Czy są tu jakieś błędy? Jeżeli są (a na pewno są) to proszę poprawcie je :) The story took place in the porch, where two teenagers- Bob nd Kay are sitting on the swing and they are watching the city at night. This kind of settling usually creates a pleasant and romantic atmmosphare, becouse when we hear about two young peope sitting together on the swing at nigth,we could think about love stooory or something like this. But not this time. At the beginning the atmosphare is a little boring, because Bob and Kay are talking about Bobs cousin and school. But in the middle of the story the atmosphare becomes more tense and gloomy. The truth comes out- Bob tells Kay that he realizes she doesn't like him and she never did. He also tells he knows that Kay thinks he's stupid and he admits he comes to visit her every evening because his mother makes him to, no because he wants to. The atmosphare in the last part of the story is pretty depressing. Bob hurts Kay very much by telling her she's phony, what is even worse then being stupid, When he leaves he gives her to understand he would miss her buthe would never go back again At the beginning the relationship between Kay and Bob was one way, what means that only one preson, in this case Bob was trying to make the relationship succesed. He wanted to talk with Kay, and he even invited her to the cinema. But as apposed to Bob, Kay wasn't too talkative and ahe was trying to push him away. The moment when Bob decidet to tell Kay the truth was the turning point of the story. After the boy told her he knows that she doesn't like him, everything changed. The relatonship between them become very honest, but also very cold. Bobs words hurted the girl very much, because she never thought Bob would see the truth and could say something as cruel as "you think you are to good for me" or call her phony. Those words touched her heart and she felt guilty. She knew she shouldn't treat Bob like she did for all this time but now is too late. Bob is not coming back again
Czy są tu jakieś błędy? Jeżeli są (a na pewno są) to proszę poprawcie je :) The story took place in the porch, where two teenagers- Bob nd Kay are sitting on the swing and they are watching the city at night. This kind of settling usually creates a pleasant and romantic atmmosphare, becouse when we hear about two young peope sitting together on the swing at nigth,we could think about love stooory or something like this. But not this time. At the beginning the atmosphare is a little boring, because Bob and Kay are talking about Bobs cousin and school. But in the middle of the story the atmosphare becomes more tense and gloomy. The truth comes out- Bob tells Kay that he realizes she doesn't like him and she never did. He also tells he knows that Kay thinks he's stupid and he admits he comes to visit her every evening because his mother makes him to, no because he wants to. The atmosphare in the last part of the story is pretty depressing. Bob hurts Kay very much by telling her she's phony, what is even worse then being stupid, When he leaves he gives her to understand he would miss her buthe would never go back again At the beginning the relationship between Kay and Bob was one way, what means that only one preson, in this case Bob was trying to make the relationship succesed. He wanted to talk with Kay, and he even invited her to the cinema. But as apposed to Bob, Kay wasn't too talkative and ahe was trying to push him away. The moment when Bob decidet to tell Kay the truth was the turning point of the story. After the boy told her he knows that she doesn't like him, everything changed. The relatonship between them become very honest, but also very cold. Bobs words hurted the girl very much, because she never thought Bob would see the truth and could say something as cruel as "you think you are to good for me" or call her phony. Those words touched her heart and she felt guilty. She knew she shouldn't treat Bob like she did for all this time but now is too late. Bob is not coming back again
Czy są tu jakieś błędy? tzn na pewno są, proszę poprawcie je :) It was Friday. This evening Tm wanted to take his girlfriend laur to the restaurant. The woman wasvery exciting and she was looking forward this evening for a very long time.Tom had warned Laura, he has something very important to tell her. And this is why she was pretty sure, that he want to propose on her. They were together almost 4 years and the relationship between them was very close. It seemd they would always be together. Laura was sure thet Tom loves her more than anyone. But this evening she would realize, how wrong she was. Tom invited Laura to their favourite italia restaurant. Laura looked beautiful, She was taking a long time to get ready and she wore her favourite red dress,because it would be a special day for her. But Tom didn't even noticed how pretty she looked, bacause he was very stressed. It was true, that he had to talk with Laura about something very important, but not about the merridge. He had to tell her the truth, and the truth was horrible. Almost one year ago he made an unforgivable mistake- he cheated on her. Of course he regreated about his mistake, but it wasn't enough. He couldn't live a lie anymore and he decided to explain and beg Laura to excuse him. After they order the food Laura noticed there is something wrong with Tom. He was usually very calm, but this time he behaved strange. He looked very nervous and his hands were shaking. She supposed that he is so stressed,because in a moment he would get down on his knees, bring out a gold ring and ask her "Laura,would you merry me?". But she was completely wrong. and the reason for his strange behaviour was totally different. But Laura was very impatient, so she decided to askhim first:" honey, is everything ok? You look a little bit nervous. Is there anything you want to tell me?" He looked at her sadly "Laura, listen, nothing is ok". Laura's smile disappeard from her face. "there is no piont in lying to you. I love you very much, and i'm sure you know it. But I made a big mistake.Laur, i cheated on you,plaese forgive me" She couldn't belive her ears...
Czy są tu jakieś błędy? tzn na pewno są, proszę poprawcie je :) It was Friday. This evening Tm wanted to take his girlfriend laur to the restaurant. The woman wasvery exciting and she was looking forward this evening for a very long time.Tom had warned Laura, he has something very important to tell her. And this is why she was pretty sure, that he want to propose on her. They were together almost 4 years and the relationship between them was very close. It seemd they would always be together. Laura was sure thet Tom loves her more than anyone. But this evening she would realize, how wrong she was. Tom invited Laura to their favourite italia restaurant. Laura looked beautiful, She was taking a long time to get ready and she wore her favourite red dress,because it would be a special day for her. But Tom didn't even noticed how pretty she looked, bacause he was very stressed. It was true, that he had to talk with Laura about something very important, but not about the merridge. He had to tell her the truth, and the truth was horrible. Almost one year ago he made an unforgivable mistake- he cheated on her. Of course he regreated about his mistake, but it wasn't enough. He couldn't live a lie anymore and he decided to explain and beg Laura to excuse him. After they order the food Laura noticed there is something wrong with Tom. He was usually very calm, but this time he behaved strange. He looked very nervous and his hands were shaking. She supposed that he is so stressed,because in a moment he would get down on his knees, bring out a gold ring and ask her "Laura,would you merry me?". But she was completely wrong. and the reason for his strange behaviour was totally different. But Laura was very impatient, so she decided to askhim first:" honey, is everything ok? You look a little bit nervous. Is there anything you want to tell me?" He looked at her sadly "Laura, listen, nothing is ok". Laura's smile disappeard from her face. "there is no piont in lying to you. I love you very much, and i'm sure you know it. But I made a big mistake.Laur, i cheated on you,plaese forgive me" She couldn't belive her ears...
Sprawdzicie mi proszę czy są tutaj jakieś błędy i poprawicie je? nie chodzi mi o sens, tylko o gramatykę i dobór słów :) When I reading a short story or a novel, I prefer first-person piont of view, with the protagonist as a narrator, because I know every feelings and thoughts of the charakter. I can also see everthing through the charakters eyes and i know why he is acting the way he is, so i can forget myself for a moment and become someone else. The autor may change the point of view in a novel for example from selective narrator to objective narrator. He is doing this, because maybe at the beginning he wants to describe the main charakters very precisely by showing their feeling and emotions, to make sure that the reader knows what is going on and what is the story all about. But in the coure of the story the autor can make a change and become more like a objective narrator, so he doesn't inform about charakters minds. He left a room for interpretation, so the reader have to read between the lines, and guess the feelings and thoughts of charakters. The reader can also chose the charakter to identify with. To make this change, the autor has to stop write about charakters emotions, and he has to describes only what can be seen or heard - he has to reprt from the outside. (Tu jest 3 część zadania, Mr.Mumsford i principal to główni bohaterzy historii) At the beginning the autor describes everything as a selective narrators, what means that he inform the reader only about Mr.Mumsford feelings and motivations. As a result the reader can identify with the main character and can see the situation through Mr.Mumsford eyes. But in the rest of the story narrator chnges the point of view and become objective narrator. He only desribes characters behaviour and dialogue, so the reader have to read between the lines and suspect the thoughts of principal and Mr.Mumsford. However I think, that everyone who is reading this story can easily guess what Mr.Mumsford thinks or what he wants to do, because he tellsaobit his feelings very directly. But principal is not as direct as Mr.Mumsford, so the reader has to interpret his behaviour or the way he is takling with another main character.
Sprawdźcie proszę czy to jest dobrze napisane i poprawcie błędy: Should cannabis be legalized? I would like to tell about something, what has been the subject of discussion for some time now. Nowadays more and more people agree, that cannabis should be legalized, but some people still think it is bad idea. I will begin with some positive aspects. First off all, marijuana can be use for medical reasons. Some researches say, that medical marijuana could be helpful for people with cancer, because it may kill cancer cells. Secondly, cannabis can improve our mood and can change the way we think. It can also help us for a moment to forget about reality and escape from our problems. Also narcotics are able to increase creativity, because after taking drugs our brain works in another way. What is more, people drugs, because they are bored and they just want to have some fun. But unfortunatley, there are also negative aspects. As i said, drugs can change the way we think, but it isn't always a positive chnge. It can make us feel depressed or even agressive. Cannabis is not toxic, but it is dangerous anyway, because it damage our brain and can sometimes cause seriously health problems. What is more, it can turn people to criminals, bacause some people are trying to get money by illegal selling drugs. Besides, taking drugs can cause many problems in our personal life - our friends could not accept our "drugs problem' and we can lose them. And finally, cannabis is very expensive, and if we get addicted to it, we can lose a lot of money. It is clear to see, that cannabis has many disadvantages, but from my point of view it should be legalizated. It is our life and we should decidet if we want to taking drugs or not. Alcohol and tabacco are legalized, but in fact they are also dangerou for our health. This is why i think cannabis should be legalized.
Sprawdzicie mi to, czy są tutaj jakieś błędy (na pewno są) i poprawicie je proszę? :) MY GAP YEAR I have been planning my gap year for a very long time, because thisis very important to me.The main reason why i decided to do a gap year was my motivation to learn English. I really want to improve my English, because in the future I want to study abroad, and knowing English will gave me oppurtunity to do this. Also I have a chance to get a good job, because almost every company needs English-speaking people nowadays. There are many places where i want to spend my gap year, but unfortunatly i had to choose just one, and this selection was very difficult. I chose the New York City in America, because i think this one the most beautiful city in the world. Also it always was my dream to vistit the place where dreams come true, and see all if this famous things like Brooklyn Bridge,Times Square, Central Park, Statue of Liberty and so on. As I said, I really want to improve my English, so I need to attend an English course in some language school in New York. In my opinion, this kind of course has many upsides: Of course it is better to learn with teacher, who can explain me every difficult things. Also I won't be there alone. There will be lots of people like me, young and wanting to learn. So I can meet new friends. But I don't want to learn English all this time. I want to gain new experience, I want to learn about other cultures, people, food. That's why i would like to visit every tourist attractions in NY, I want to see as much as possible in my free time. Also I would like to go to club sometimes to meet new people, and i really want to go to the restaurant at the minimum twice a week to try every delicious dishes. Talking about restaurant, during my gap year i want to improve my cooking skills, so I would like to get a little part-time job in a restaurant, where i can learn how to cook famous American dishes like tradicional apple pie, and maybe I could earn some money. But for all this time I need a place where I can live, and I decidet to live with a host family. I think it can be very good experience for me, bacause I will be forced to speak English with my new family, so I will be able to learn this language much faster. And all this yaer I will be part of the family, what mean that they wll include my on family events and holday celebrations, what sounds very nice, and by the way i can learn about this how American celebrate their holidays. I hope I will enjoy my gap year and it will be a life changing experience to me. I'm so exciting, because it would be my first so long trip, and I hope everyting will go well. Questions 1. How do you want to pay for your gap year? I was thinking about it, and I can work a few months before my trip. Also I have savings and I'm sure that my parents will help me, if I ask them to. 2. Do you think it is good for your future? I'm sure it is, because in America I will get a practice at speaking, I will become more self-confident and I will make new friends from different countries. Also I can get valuable experience and I will travel the world.
Sprawdzicie mi to, czy są tutaj jakieś błędy (na pewno są) i poprawicie je proszę? :) MY GAP YEAR I have planned my gap year for a very long time, because thisis very important to me.The main reason why i decided to do a gap year was my motivation to learn English. I really want to improve my English, because in the future I want to study abroad, and knowing English will gave me oppurtunity to do this. Also I have a chance to get a good job, because almost every company needs English-speaking people nowadays. There are many places where i want to spend my gap year, but unfortunatly i had to choose just one, and this selection was very difficult. I chose the New York City in America, because i think this one the most beautiful city in the world. Also it always was my dream to vistit the place where dreams come true, and see all if this famous things like Brooklyn Bridge,Times Square, Central Park, Statue of Liberty and so on. As I said, I really want to improve my English, so I need to attend an English course in some language school in New York. In my opinion, this kind of course has many upsides: Of course it is better to learn with teacher, who can explain me every difficult things. Also I won't be there alone. There will be lots of people like me, young and wanting to learn. So I can meet new friends. But I don't want to learn English all this time. I want to gain new experience, I want to learn about other cultures, people, food. That's why i would like to visit every tourist attractions in NY, I want to see as much as possible in my free time. Also I would like to go to club sometimes to meet new people, and i really want to go to the restaurant at the minimum twice a week to try every delicious dishes. Talking about restaurant, during my gap year i want to improve my cooking skills, so I would like to get a little part-time job in a restaurant, where i can learn how to cook famous American dishes like tradicional apple pie, and maybe I could earn some money. But for all this time I need a place where I can live, and I decidet to live with a host family. I think it can be very good experience for me, bacause I will be forced to speak English with my new family, so I will be able to learn this language much faster. And all this yaer I will be part of the family, what mean that they wll include my on family events and holday celebrations, what sounds very nice, and by the way i can learn about this how American celebrate their holidays. I hope I will enjoy my gap year and it will be a life changing experience to me. I'm so exciting, because it would be my first so long trip, and I hope everyting will go well. Questions 1. How do you want to pay for your gap year? I was thinking about it, and I can work a few months before my trip. Also I have savings and I'm sure that my parents will help me, if I ask them to. 2. Do you think it is good for your future? I'm sure it is, because in America I will get a practice at speaking, I will become more self-confident and I will make new friends from different countries. Also I can get valuable experience and I will travel the world.
Czy to jest napisane poprawnie, chodzi mi o sens i gramatykę. Plis poprawcie błędy. The story starts on the swimming pool at almost 6 o'clock, when the man telling the stoey meets the man from the South. They sit at the table and they talk about American boys playing together in the pool. After a while one of the boys and one English girl sitnext to the talking men. The boy offers the cigarettes to everyone sitting at the table, also he wants to give them a light. Everything begins when the youn man assures, that his lighter never fails. Admittedly no one cares,if it is true or not, but the man from the South wants to know,if american boy lie. To make sure about it, he proposes a little bet, on whether boys lighter always is s dependable. Now the boy needs to improve, that he can light his lighter of 10 times, one after another. That is the bet. If he dothis, without missing once, he will win a Cadilac, which belongs to the man from the South. Bit if he won't be lucky and he lose, the old man will cut boys little finger. It is easy - boy wins, he takes the car, he loses, man takes the finger. The young American is a little scared, but he takes that crazy and absurd bet, because he is sure, thathis lighter won't fail. They decide to do this now. So the man leds all young boy, English girl and the storys narrator to his hotels room, and in short time with maids help he preapars everything needed to the bet. After conversation about this, what will in a moment happen, the old man ties boys hand to the table ,so that the boy couldn't hold it out. Now, when they are ready, the game starts. The boy lights his lighter, and the storys narrator, as a referee counts outloud. The eight time he stopes, because somethig unexpected happens. Some unknown and very mad woman runs into the hotels room and she starts to shouting old mans name and she shakes him vigorously. When she calms down and gets off mens back,she starts toexplain shocked people what is going on. It turnes out, that this woman is old mens wife, and that this man is dangerous. Woman tells that her husband made in the past many crazy bets with different people, and because of this they lost their fingers, or he lost cars.
Proszę zobaczcie czy są tutaj jakieś błędy i poprawcie je :) Globalisation is a integration of economies, markets, cultures and policy-making around the world. Many people think, that globalisation is a good thing. I would like to write about it. Globalisation has a lot of advantages. At first: we can send cards and messages in second on the internet, even to the people living in the other countries. These days we can travel everywhere by plane and we are able to spend our holidays in every place of the world like Hwaii or Maldives, what less than a hundert years was just imposible. Also big companies make it possible to buy the same products everywhere. For example: we can buy fruits like Mango, which are growing in India in Polen. Globaisation improve the quality of our lifes. But Globalisation has also disadvantages. Planes, cars, buses and the othher mens of transport amount greenhouse gas, which couse climate change ang global warming. Also fossil fules pollutes the air. It is very dangerous for use, becouse it make breathing harder. Another con of globalisation is that, big companies still get richer, stronger and more powerfull, while many goverments get poorer. Of course a progress of Internet is very positive for people, but it globalisation can also help crimes: the can for example steal money through the internet. In spite of many disadvantages i think that globalisation is a good yhing. It helps in improving our technology,our lives quality ang it chnges the way people think.
Proszę zobaczcie czy są tutaj jakieś błędy i poprawcie je :) Globalisation is a integration of economies, markets, cultures and policy-making around the world. Many people think, that globalisation is a good thing. I would like to write about it. Globalisation has a lot of advantages. At first: we can send cards and messages in second on the internet, even to the people living in the other countries. These days we can travel everywhere by plane and we are able to spend our holidays in every place of the world like Hwaii or Maldives, what less than a hundert years was just imposible. Also big companies make it possible to buy the same products everywhere. For example: we can buy fruits like Mango, which are growing in India in Polen. Globaisation improve the quality of our lifes. But Globalisation has also disadvantages. Planes, cars, buses and the othher mens of transport amount greenhouse gas, which couse climate change ang global warming. Also fossil fules pollutes the air. It is very dangerous for use, becouse it make breathing harder. Another con of globalisation is that, big companies still get richer, stronger and more powerfull, while many goverments get poorer. Of course a progress of Internet is very positive for people, but it globalisation can also help crimes: the can for example steal money through the internet. In spite of many disadvantages i think that globalisation is a good yhing. It helps in improving our technology,our lives quality ang it chnges the way people think.
Czy te 2 wywiady (tzn. to jest rozmowa o pracę) są napisane z sensem i czy są poprawne gramatycznie? Proszę poprawcie błędy. Interviev 1 (doctor's assistant) 1. Tell me something about you. - My name is.... I'm ......... years old. 2. How did you learn about my company? - I have found your offer in newspaper 3. Why do you want to work as a doctor's assistant? - becoaus I think this job is for me. I love biology and chemistry, and I 'm good at it. Human body, operations and that sort of things were always so interesting for me. 4. Why do you want to work for us? Why did you chose us? - I readed on your page thah this hospital is a nice place to wark t, with pportunities for development, so i can improve me skills here. And this is very impotant for me 5. How many other companies have you approchead? - A few for back-up, but this is where I really want to work. 6. How long do you plan to work here? - A long time. This is the job I've been hoping for. 7. What motivates you to do a good job? - My hard work, self confidence and I like to learn many things in my job. I'm always proud of me, when my job is done right. That motivates me to do a good job. 8. And now tell me about your strenghs - So, I belive my strongest trait is my resestance t stress. I'mvery self-pasessed too. This trait has helped me in many dificult situations. I'm also a quick learner, because I enjoy larning. I'm dutiful and self-disciplined too. 9. What are your weaknesses -Sometimes I'm nt puntcual, but I'm working on it. 10. And my last question: What do you ike doing in your free time? - I like spending my free time with my family and my friends, for instance going somwhere. As i said I like to learn new things, so when I have time only for myself I reading alot of articels in internet about medicine for example. 11.Thank you. That's all from my side. Is there anything you want to ask me? -Yes, Do I have to provide additional information? For example my portfolio? - No, at this moment we don't need this. - So, thank you for the time you spent with me. -I also would like to thank. Good bye. -Good bye. Inerview 2 (cook) 1. Relax and tell me a little about yourself - My name is 2. How did you learn abut my restaurant? - I have found your offer in internet. 3. What do you know about my restaurant? - I have heard that your company is a good place to wok at, with a lot of friendly and helpful people. I know that I can improve my skils here, so i think it is a nice place to work for me. 4. Why do you want to work for us as a cook? - Becouse I think I'm really good at cooking. To be honest, cooking is my hobby, and work as a chef always was my dream. It is important to like your job, and I thing beeing a profesional cook could be something I would be good at. 5. What are your main strengths? - I'm very clever and creative. I like workingin a group and I'm a quick learner. 6. What are your weaknesses? - I think my weakness is that, I'm not patient, but I'm working on it. 7. What do you like doing in your free time? - As i said my hobby is cooking. I like preparing various dishes,especialy the dishes from Polisch custine. I like also reading books and spending time with my friends. My favourite activities are playng basketball and listening to music. 8. And now tell me about your qualifiktions. What languages do you know? - I speak very good german, and a little polish too. 9. Have you ever working in a resturant before? -Yes, i did my work experience in a Restaurnt in Poland. I learned there a lot of useful things. 10. Thank you. That's all. Is there anything you want to ask me? - Yes, how many people work in your company? - Around 15 people. Here working 5 cooks, 1 chef, 3 cook's assistants and 7 waiters, and menager of course. - So, thank you very much for the interview. Good bye - I thank you too, Good bye.

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