Poprawcie proszę błędy(głównie rozchodzi mi się o gramatykę ), i nie piszcie że żadnych nie ma, bo są na pewno :)
In 29th of Novemver the General Francis Drake wit his crew cast anchor on an island called La Mocha. The inhabitans of the island seemd to be very polite and peacefull - to show their peaceful intention they brought General some food and two fat sheep. In exchange Drake gave themother thing and he promised to stay longer on thei island. But after the inhabitans attacked and slaved two man from Drakes crew, (because they took them for Spaniards) they decided not tostay there any longer. They moved towards the coast of Chili. During they voyage they met an Indian who told them about place called Santiago, where ws a great Spanish ship laden from the kingdom of Peru. The man brought them to the port of Valparaiso,wheresome Spaniards, who thought the crew to have been Spaniards too,welcomed them as is they were friends. But the friendly atmosphere ended very quickly,when one of their company started to fight with one the Spaniards. After this event terrified Spaniards leapt overbard into the sea and they sail towards the town of Santiago,to inform another people of Drakes crew arrival