Czy te 2 wywiady (tzn. to jest rozmowa o pracę) są napisane z sensem i czy są poprawne gramatycznie? Proszę poprawcie błędy.
Interviev 1 (doctor's assistant)
1. Tell me something about you.
- My name is....
I'm ......... years old.
2. How did you learn about my company?
- I have found your offer in newspaper
3. Why do you want to work as a doctor's assistant?
- becoaus I think this job is for me. I love biology and chemistry, and I 'm good at it.
Human body, operations and that sort of things were always so interesting for me.
4. Why do you want to work for us? Why did you chose us?
- I readed on your page thah this hospital is a nice place to wark t, with pportunities for development, so i can improve me skills here. And this is very impotant for me
5. How many other companies have you approchead?
- A few for back-up, but this is where I really want to work.
6. How long do you plan to work here?
- A long time. This is the job I've been hoping for.
7. What motivates you to do a good job?
- My hard work, self confidence and I like to learn many things in my job. I'm always proud of me, when my job is done right. That motivates me to do a good job.
8. And now tell me about your strenghs
- So, I belive my strongest trait is my resestance t stress. I'mvery self-pasessed too. This trait has helped me in many dificult situations. I'm also a quick learner, because I enjoy larning. I'm dutiful and self-disciplined too.
9. What are your weaknesses
-Sometimes I'm nt puntcual, but I'm working on it.
10. And my last question: What do you ike doing in your free time?
- I like spending my free time with my family and my friends, for instance going somwhere. As i said I like to learn new things, so when I have time only for myself I reading alot of articels in internet about medicine for example.
11.Thank you. That's all from my side. Is there anything you want to ask me?
-Yes, Do I have to provide additional information? For example my portfolio?
- No, at this moment we don't need this.
- So, thank you for the time you spent with me.
-I also would like to thank. Good bye.
-Good bye.
Inerview 2 (cook)
1. Relax and tell me a little about yourself
- My name is
2. How did you learn abut my restaurant?
- I have found your offer in internet.
3. What do you know about my restaurant?
- I have heard that your company is a good place to wok at, with a lot of friendly and helpful people. I know that I can improve my skils here, so i think it is a nice place to work for me.
4. Why do you want to work for us as a cook?
- Becouse I think I'm really good at cooking. To be honest, cooking is my hobby, and work as a chef always was my dream. It is important to like your job, and I thing beeing a profesional cook could be something I would be good at.
5. What are your main strengths?
- I'm very clever and creative. I like workingin a group and I'm a quick learner.
6. What are your weaknesses?
- I think my weakness is that, I'm not patient, but I'm working on it.
7. What do you like doing in your free time?
- As i said my hobby is cooking. I like preparing various dishes,especialy the dishes from Polisch custine. I like also reading books and spending time with my friends. My favourite activities are playng basketball and listening to music.
8. And now tell me about your qualifiktions. What languages do you know?
- I speak very good german, and a little polish too.
9. Have you ever working in a resturant before?
-Yes, i did my work experience in a Restaurnt in Poland. I learned there a lot of useful things.
10. Thank you. That's all. Is there anything you want to ask me?
- Yes, how many people work in your company?
- Around 15 people. Here working 5 cooks, 1 chef, 3 cook's assistants and 7 waiters, and menager of course.
- So, thank you very much for the interview. Good bye
- I thank you too, Good bye.
Wszystko okej, tylko kilka błędów znalazłam ;), na dole masz poprawione te zdania
2. How did you learn about my company?
- I found your offer in newspaper
4. Why do you want to work for us? Why did you choose us?
- I readnon your page that this hospital is a nice place to wark t, with opportunities for development, so i can improve my skills here. And this is very impotant for me
5. How many other companies have you approchead?
- A few for back-up, but here is this place where I really want to work.
2. How did you learn abut my restaurant?
- I found your offer in internet.
- I heard that your company is a good place to wok at, with a lot of friendly and helpful people. I know I can improve my skils here, so i think it is a nice place to work for me.
4. Why do you want to work for us as a cook?
- Becouse I think I'm really good at cooking. To be honest, cooking is my hobby, and work as a chef always was my dream. It is important to like your job, and I think beeing a profesional cook could be something I would be good at.
7. What do you like doing in your free time?
- As i said my hobby is cooking. I like preparing various dishes,especialy the dishes from Polish custine. I like also reading books and spending time with my friends. My favourite activities are playng basketball and listening to music.