Sprawdzicie mi proszę czy są tutaj jakieś błędy i poprawicie je? nie chodzi mi o sens, tylko o gramatykę i dobór słów :)
When I reading a short story or a novel, I prefer first-person piont of view, with the protagonist as a narrator, because I know every feelings and thoughts of the charakter. I can also see everthing through the charakters eyes and i know why he is acting the way he is, so i can forget myself for a moment and become someone else.
The autor may change the point of view in a novel for example from selective narrator to objective narrator. He is doing this, because maybe at the beginning he wants to describe the main charakters very precisely by showing their feeling and emotions, to make sure that the reader knows what is going on and what is the story all about. But in the coure of the story the autor can make a change and become more like a objective narrator, so he doesn't inform about charakters minds. He left a room for interpretation, so the reader have to read between the lines, and guess the feelings and thoughts of charakters. The reader can also chose the charakter to identify with. To make this change, the autor has to stop write about charakters emotions, and he has to describes only what can be seen or heard - he has to reprt from the outside.
(Tu jest 3 część zadania, Mr.Mumsford i principal to główni bohaterzy historii) At the beginning the autor describes everything as a selective narrators, what means that he inform the reader only about Mr.Mumsford feelings and motivations. As a result the reader can identify with the main character and can see the situation through Mr.Mumsford eyes. But in the rest of the story narrator chnges the point of view and become objective narrator. He only desribes characters behaviour and dialogue, so the reader have to read between the lines and suspect the thoughts of principal and Mr.Mumsford. However I think, that everyone who is reading this story can easily guess what Mr.Mumsford thinks or what he wants to do, because he tellsaobit his feelings very directly. But principal is not as direct as Mr.Mumsford, so the reader has to interpret his behaviour or the way he is takling with another main character.