Ułóż rozbudowane zdania, z podanymi słówkami tak, aby zawierały one konketst znaczeniowy podanego słówka.
1. remote
2. take out
3. fit in
4. get through
5. get together
Z każdym słówkiem jedno zdanie.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Everything depends on the context of a particular word or phrase. As far as you probably know, there is a large number of pieces of vocabulary having more than just one Polish translation. All things considered, I'm going to pick these words' explanations myself.
1) Have you recently seen our remote control? I've been looking for it for several hours but I haven't found it yet.
2) As the teacher was trying to explain the meaning of life, Jean took out a small sheet of paper to take some useful notes.
3) In my opinion, it is extremely important to fit in at work and get off to a good start, isn't it?
4) Could you get me through with a member of this company?
5) We ought to get together so as to consider all the pros and cons of the decision we've made.
I hope this will help you :)
If you want me to translate the sentences above, feel free to ask.
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