September 2018 1 12 Report


Zadanie 35

Wstaw odpowiednią formę w czasie PAST CONTINUOUS:

1. From 7 to 9 I (listen to) his concert.

2. He (not, sleep) when we came back.

3. My sister (cook) dinner all the afternoon.

4. These boys (play) with your toys when you came in.

5. What (do, she) at 8 o'clock last evening?

6. It (snow) all night.

7. When I (watch) the football match. I heard a shot.

8. We met them when they (go out).

9. (Work, he) in the garden all day yesterday?

10. What (read, you) when I rang?

11. When we arrived they (clean) the windows.

12. Mike (not, study) when you entered the room?

13. I (write) an essay while my brothers (do) homework.

14. (Quarrel, they) when you entered the room?

15. From 9 to 11 I (do) the housework.

16. Yesterday at 9 I (watch) television.

17. I (work) all day yesterday.

18. Who(m) (wait, you) for all yesterday?

19. John and Mary (have) breakfast when I came in.

20. (Rain, it) when you went out?

PRZETŁUMACZ WYRAZY W NAWIASACH STOSUJĄC PAST CONTINUOUS I KORZYSTAJĄC Z NASTĘPUJĄCYCH CZASOWNIKÓW: try, wash, talk, read, take, wait, play, go, drive, repair, leave, have, do, dance, work, sing.

21. At 7 o'clock last evening we (naprawialiśmy) the car.

22. When I (szedłem) to work I met Alice.

23. What (robiłeś) when the lights went out?

24. John (rozmawiał) on the phone when we came into the room.

25. He fell down while he (tańczyl)

26. (Czy jestescie) dinner when the phone rang?

27. From eight to eleven we (graliśmy) bridge.

28. Susan (czytała) a love story all day yesterday.

29. While I (myłem) the car, they (pracowali) in the garden.

30. Yesterday at 5 I (brałem) a bath.

31. Birds (śpiewały) in the sky when I left the house yesterday morning.

32. It began to rain while I (czekałem) for her.

33. At half past eleven I (jechałem) home.

34. I met Susan when she (wychodziła) the house.

35. All day yesterday they (próbowali) to find you.

Zadanie 36

Wstaw odpowiednią formę w PAST SIMPLE lub PAST CONTINUOUS:

1. He (come) to see you yesterday, but you (be) out.

2. We (play) chess all day yesterday.

3. (Meet, you) them yesterday afternoon.

4. She (make) a cake all the afternoon.

5. Yesterday at 7 p.m. I (still, work).

6. What time (come back, they) last night?

7. She (read) a magazine when I (see) her.

8. What (read, you) when I (enter) the room?

9. They (dance) all night.

10. (Go, they) to the mountains last winter?

11. I (visit) Oxford two years ago.

12. Mrs Brown (walk) to the station when we (meet) her.

13. I (learn) German this time yesterday.

14. Where (live, you) when the war began?

15. Two days ago we (see) a nice dress in the shop window.

16. I (wash) the dishes when the telephone (ring).

17. He (still, sleep) yesterday morning when I (arrive) at her house.

18. Who (cat) your pizza last night?

19. Yesterday at 10 a.m I (fly) to Berlin.

20. When (begin, you) to practise the piano?

Przetłumacz wyrazy w nawiasach stosując PAST SIMPLE lub PAST CONTINUOUS. Skorzystaj z następujących CZASWONIKÓW REGULARNYCH: type, cook, listen to, dance, prepare, watch, paint i NIEREGULARNYCH: come, come back, do, fall, go, hear, see, be, read, go across, meet, take, buy.

21. When (widziałeś) them in London?

22. Frank (przygotowywał się) for his examination all day yesterday.

23. What (Miss Collins robiła) when she (usłyszała) a noise?

24. John has a new Mercedes. He (kupił) it 2 weeks ago.

25. He (malował) his room all the afternoon.

26. Where (on szedł) when you (spotkaliście) him?

27. Robert (zabrał) her to the cinema last night.

28. Who(m) (tańczyłeś) with all night?

29. When their parents (wrócili) they still (oglądali) TV.

30. What (on słuchał) from 8:30 to 10:30?

31. He (nie był) at the disco last Monday.

32. Who (ugotował) the delicious dinner yesterday?

33. The old woman (upadła) while she (przechodziła przez) the street.

34. How long ago he (przyjechał) home?

35. The boss (czytał) letters while his secretary (pisała na maszynie).

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