Proszę o pomoc niestety jestem kiepska w pisaniu z angielskiego a muszę to mieć i to niestety na ocenę będzie :(
Napisz krótki artykuł : Many aspects of life have changed over the last 30 years. These include: marriage, dating, the role of women or/ and men. Trzeba napisać artykuł na jeden z tych trzech tematów. Musi być króki wstęp rozwinięcie w którym ma być 1. co się zmieniło i jak 2. jaki to ma wpływ na teraźniejszość 3. jaki ty masz stosunek do zaszłych zmian pozytywne czy negatywne. i zakończenie najlepiej z jakimś pytaniem retorycznym.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My grandmother often says that the world today is a different world than when she was a young woman. Many aspects of life have changed over the last 30 years. The most interesting change has taken place in the role of women.
My grandmother got married when she was 17 years old and she had seven children. Many women now wait until they are 20 or 30 years old before they get married. They finish high school and go to university. After university, they go to work. After they work for a few years, they get married. Women today do not have seven children. My mother has three and I only want to have two.
Because women get married later in life and have fewer children, they can have a career. They can become managers and they can travel to other countries. They can go to parties with their husbands. My grandmother did not work and did not travel. She stayed at home and raised her children. But this also means that families are smaller now. There are fewer young people and more older people. Fewer young people work for more older people.
I think these changes are both good and bad. They are good because women are free and have a better life. They are bad because there are many elderly people and they need help, but there are not enough young people to help them.
I have many dreams in my life. Because of how many aspects of life have changed over the last 30 years, I can make my dreams come true. Do you think there will be even more changes in the next 30 years?