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The person I want to describe is J.K.Rowling. This is one of the most famous author of a series of books about magic all over the world, she wrote about the adventures of Harry Potter. JK Rowling is Joanne Kathleen Rowling, and she was born in England, July 31, 1965. (Od dziecka), she loved to read and come up with various fantastic stories. (Z wykształcenia) is classical philologist. To come up with the story of Harry caught by accident while traveling by train. When her first book (Harry Potter and philosopher's stone), was a success, (poświęciła się) writing. She has written seven books wonderfully magical. All world fell in love with Harry and her. For Harry Potter has joined four other books, which are supplemented by income from them earmarked for charity. Recently published a book for adults titled'''' Casual Vacancy. Joanne support actions Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland. I admire her for her imagination, and dedication. I love it for what it has created and the children and adults magical world.
Osoba, którą chcę opisać jest J.K.Rowling. Jest to autorka jednej z najsławniejszych serii książek o magii na całym świecie, napisała o przygodach Harrego Pottera. J.K.Rowling czyli Joanne Kathleen Rowling urodziła się w Anglii, 31 lipca 1965 roku. Od dziecka uwielbiała czytać i wymyślać różne fantastyczne historie. Z wykształcenia jest filologiem klasycznym. Na wymyślenie opowieści o Harrym wpadła przypadkiem podczas podróży pociągiem. Gdy jej pierwsza książka (Harry Potter i Kamień Filozoficzny) otrzymała sukces, poświęciła się tylko pisaniu. Napisała siedem cudownie magicznych książek. Cały świat pokochał Harrego i ją. Do Harrego Pottera dołączyła cztery inne książki, które mają go uzupełniać zysk z nich przeznaczyła na cele dobroczynne. Ostatnio wydała książkę dla dorosłych pod tytułem ''Casual Vacancy''. Joanne wspiera akcje Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland. Podziwiam ją za jej wyobraźnię, i poświęcenie. Uwielbiam ją za to że stworzyła i dzieciom i dorosłym magiczny świat.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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The person I'd like to describe is J.K.Rowling. She's one of the most famous authors of book series about magic all over the world, she wrote about the adventures of Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling is Joanne Kathleen Rowling, and she was born in England, July 31, 1965. Since childhood, she loved to read and come up with various fantastic stories. She is a classical philologist by education. Comming up with the story of Harry was an accident while she was traveling by train. When her first book (Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone), was a success, she dedicated herself to writing. She has written seven wonderfully magical books. The whole world fell in love with Harry and her. She attached four other books to Harry Potter's series, which are a supplement to it.The profits from selling them were donated for charity. Recently she published a book for adults entitled "Casual Vacancy". Joanne supports actions like Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland. I admire her for her imagination, and dedication. I love her, because she has created a magical world for both the children and adults.
PS: Zmieniłem troszeczkę niektóre zdania i nie pokrywają się one idealnie z tekstem polskim ale mają to samo znaczenie. :)
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