Proszę bardzo o to zadanie :
Proszę o opisanie tak w 6 zdaniach :Ulubionego przedmiotu np W-f ze moiom ulubionym przedmiotem jest w-f ponieważ lubie uprawiać sport itp.
I proszę o opisanie jak spedzasz wolny czas z rodzina np ze gramy w rózne gry ogladamy telewizje itp tez tak w 6 zdaniach.
Tylko to zadanie jest mi potrzebne na jutro do 8:00 rano potem proszę nie rozwiazywać.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My favourite subject at school is PE. I really like exercising, especially running. It's very healthy and relaxing. PE lessons aren't as boring as the other subjects so I'm having a lot of fun. I enjoy team games too because I can play with my friends. PE is a great subject and I can't imagine a school without it!
I don't have much free time on school days, same as my family. We rarely do something together at that time. In exchange, we try to fix it during weekends. We often play cards or various games together. We're having a lot of fun! When we get bored of games, we watch TV too.