Pilne!! Pomoże mi to ktoś przetłumaczyć na język angielski? Jak macie zamiar odpowiadać a nie jesteście pewni czy to na pewno dobrze to również napiszcie, że nie jesteście pewni.
Małgorzata Musierowicz- urodzona 9 stycznia 1945r. w Poznaniu. Autorka wielu książek dla dzieci i młodzieży, również ilustratorka. W latach 70 debiutowała książką „Małomówny i rodzina”. Wkrótce rozpoczęła cykl humorystycznych opowieści „Jeżycjada”, którą pisze do dziś. Akcja we wszystkich książkach dzieje się w Poznaniu, w miejscach, gdzie ona mieszka i, które faktycznie istnieją. Za poszczególne części otrzymała nagrody. Ma szczęśliwą rodzinę. Ma męża, czworo dzieci, oraz kilkoro wnucząt.
John Doman, born January 9, 1945. in Poznan. The author of many books for children and youth, illustrator. In the 70's debut book, "Taciturn and family." Soon began a series of humorous stories "Jeżycjada", which writes to this day. The action happens in all the books in Poznan, in places where she lived and which actually exist. For each of the awards received. It has a happy family. Has a husband, four children and several grandchildren.
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Nie jestem pewna ale chyba tak: Małgorzata Musierowicz - born 9 January 1945r. in Poznan. Authoress of many books for children and the youth, also the illustrator. In 70 madeone's debut with book "Taciturn and family”. "Jeżycjada” began cycle of humorous tales soon, it which writes to today. it in all books happens in Poznan, in places, she lives and, which they exist in fact. She received for individual parts prize. My happy family. My husband, four , as well as several grandchilds.
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Małgorzata Musierowicz, born January 9, 1945. in Poznan. The author of many books for children and youth, illustrator. In the 70's debut book, "Taciturn and family." Soon began a series of humorous stories "Jeżycjada", which writes to this day. Action all books is happening in Poznan, in places where it lives and which actually exist. For each of the awards received. It has a happy family. Has a husband, four children And several grandchildren.
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Małgorzata Musierowicz - born 9 January 1945r. in Poznan. Authoress of many books for children and the youth, also the illustrator. In
70 madeone's debut with book "Taciturn and family”. "Jeżycjada” began cycle of humorous tales soon, it which writes to today.
it in all books happens in Poznan, in places,
she lives and, which they exist in fact. She received for individual parts prize. My happy family. My husband, four
, as well as several grandchilds.
all books is happening in Poznan, in places where it lives and which actually exist. For each of the awards received. It has a happy family. Has a husband, four children
And several grandchildren.