LIST DO NAPISANIA PO ANGIELSKU (co najmniej 120 słów!!!)(max 150 :)
i to miałoby wyglądać tak: wielkie dzięki za tan prezent x z okazji moich urodzin jest on super itp.często go używam (jeśli to rzecz praktyczna )w drugim akapicie ,że na tej imprezie dostałam wiele rzeczy i tu wymieniam jakich i jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki za ten prezent pozdrawiam ania czy jakoś tak
zbierz to do kupy i i napisz ładny list :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Thank you very much for your lovely birthday present. I like it very much. It is very useful. I was dreaming about such a nice pen. I need it very much because at the moment I have to write a lot, especially during my lessons. It also will be useful during my Matura exam. I think that it will be good for a long time because it has an iridium nib. This pen is very universal. It is great. I use it a lot.
During my birthday I received a lot of presents such as: 6 boxes of chocolate, one bottle of vine, 2 books, and aromatic candle.
Thanks a lot for your gift. It is the best of all presents I received.
Best wishes for you and your parents.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Bye, bye