Wybiesz własciwy czasownik modalny:Proszę O to zadanie.
Jeśli by ktoś umiał proszę o tłumaczenie tych zdań.
1.You may/should/must borrow my books when I don't need them,but I must/should/can ask you to stop taking them without asking.
2.Do you have to/must/should leave your things lying around in the living room.
3.You know we mustn't/needn't/don't haveto smoke in the flat.It's against university rules.
4.I would/must/shall like you to talk to me before you have a noisy party.Could/must/should you do that for me?
5.You needn't/mustn't/can't clean up all the time,but I think you should/must/may do your fair share.
6.So what shall/must/would we do about it.
7.I'm sure we must/needn't/can come to an agreement.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.You may borrow my books when I don't need them,but I must ask you to stop taking them without asking.
Możesz pożyczać moje książki kiedy ich nie potrzebuje, ale muszę Cie prosić żebyś przestał je brać bez pytania.
2.Do you have to leave your things lying around in the living room.
Czy musisz zostawiać swoje rzeczy leżące wszędzie w pokoju?
3.You know we mustn't have to smoke in the flat. It's against university rules.
Wiesz, że nie wolno nam palić w mieszkaniu. To wbrew regułom uniwersytetu.
4.I would like you to talk to me before you have a noisy party. Could you do that for me?
Chciałbym żebyś najpierw porozmawiał ze mną zanim wyprawisz głośną imprezę. Czy mógłbyś to dla mnie zrobić?
5.You can't clean up all the time,but I think you should do your fair share.
Nie możesz ciągle sprzątać, ale myślę, że powinieneś sprzątać tyle ile potrzeba.
6.So what would we do about it.
Więc co z tym zrobimy?
7.I'm sure we can come to an agreement.
Jestem pewny, że możemy dojść do porozumienia.