Zaokraglij podane liczby do setek tysięcy53 729 049=60 052 100=3 470 000=85 149 835,29=1 296 243,7=?
53 700 000
60 100 000
3 500 000
85 100 000
1 300 000
53 729 049=53 700 000
60 052 100=60 100 000
3 470 000=3 500 000
85 149 835,29=85 100 000
1 296 243,7=1 300 000
53 729 049= 53700000060 052 100= 601000003 470 000= 350000085 149 835,29= 851000001 296 243,7= 1300000
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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53 700 000
60 100 000
3 500 000
85 100 000
1 300 000
53 729 049=53 700 000
60 052 100=60 100 000
3 470 000=3 500 000
85 149 835,29=85 100 000
1 296 243,7=1 300 000
53 729 049= 537000000
60 052 100= 60100000
3 470 000= 3500000
85 149 835,29= 85100000
1 296 243,7= 1300000