Wybierasz się na obóz przetrwania. Wybierz 10 przedmiotów podanych ponizej i napisz zdania w drugim okresie warunkowym.
Np. If I took a box of matches, I would light a fire.
Przedmioty do wyboru:
a box of matches (pudełko zapałek)
candles (swieczka)
a compass (kompas)
a digital camera (aparat cyfrowy)
a first aid kit (apteczka)
insect spray (spray na owady)
a magnifying glass (szkło powiększające)
a map (mapa)
a mobile phone (telefon komórkowy)
a needle and thread (igła i nici)
a pencil and paper (ołówek i papier)
a penknife (scyzoryk)
plastic bags (torebki platikowe)
a radio (radio)
safety pins (agrafki)
a small mirror (małe lusterko)
a spoon (łyżka)
sun cream (krem przeciwsłoneczny)
sunglasses (okulary przeciwsłoneczne)
a torch (pochodnia)
an umbrella (parasol)
a water bottle (butelka wody)
a whistle (gwizdek)
Pzdr. Daję naj.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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If I took a digital camera, I would take a pictures
If I took a compass, I would know where is north
If I took a mobile phone, I would call my mum
If I took a magnifying glass, I would look at small insects
If I took a water bottle, I would not be thirsty
If I took an umbrella I would not get wet
If I took a map, I would not get lost
If I took a radio, I would listen to music
If I took a pencil and paper I would write a letter to my parents
If I took a torch I would walk in the darkness
If I took:
a digital camera, I would take fotos
a first aid kit, I would be safer
a insect spray, insects would not bite me
a magnifying glass, I would read a map better than others
a mobile phone, I would call to my mam and dad
a radio, I would listen to music
a small mirror, I would look better
a whistle, I would not shout
an umbrella, I would be always dry
plastic bags, i would not take my backpack