November 2018 1 27 Report

wazne na dzis prosze o pomoc przetlumaczyc teksty na polsk. Near cracow in southern poland , is the Wieliczka. Salt Mine . Not much can be seen above the surface but visitors are taken down into a hidden world of natural and manmade wonders. According to a 700 year old legend a princess called the blessed Kinga threw her ring into a salt mine at marmaros in hungary. While travelling from Marmaros to Cracow she stopped at Wieliczka and her servants were told to dig a well. Instead of water salt was distovered and n the first lump of salt which was taken out Kinga's ring was found! The legend is just a story but it is true that for over seven centuries salt has been mined from the rock below the town of Wieliczka . The salt use to be dug out by hand and until 1620 it was carried up to the surface by the miners.after that date, horses were used to carry the salt out but the work was still very dangerous and many miners were killed or injured. The constant danger made the miners deeply religous and chapels were constructed underground where church services were herd. After a chapel was destroyed by fire 1697, miners were not allowed to taken wooden statues into the mine, so they began to carve sculptures from rock salt. Nowadays visitors are shown how salt was mined long ago, and can see the enormous chambers which have been dug out of the solid rock.they can also see pretty green lakes and chapels with beautiful carvings There are also 250 kilometres of tunnels and underground caves with huge salt crystals in strange shapes A special attraction in the chapels of the Blessed Kinga, whitch was made by the miners themselves in a chamber 100 metres underground .The walls and floor of the chapel as well as the lovely statues it contains have been carved from rock salt. You will be amazed by these unforgettable sights , which should definitely not be mised by any visitor to the Cracow area

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