W anglojezycznej gazecie przeczytales artykul ktorego autor opowiada sie za zakazem ruchu prywatnych samochodow w centrach duzych miast. Napisz list do redakcji przedstawiajacy Twoje zdanie na ten tamat.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir
I do agree with your last story about travelling by private cars in a big cities. As you said "people should travel by bus, because it is better for our world. I could not agree more with you.
I think you should add that it will be cheaper for people to travel by bus or metro. The other thing is that it will be much safer to travel like this. The last thing and in my opinion the most interesting fact for drivers is that there will be less traffic. People will not be late for work or school. I wish one day people understood it. Our world is really beautiful and we cannot destroy it.
I hope you will share this letter with other readers. I think you should read more often people's opinion and join discussions at your forum, because it is really important.
Yours faithfully,