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Permasalahan sampah menjadi masalah umum yang seakan tidak ada habisnya, terutama di kota besar seperti Jakarta. Sampah merupakan material sisa baik dari hewan, manusia, maupun tumbuhan yang tidak terpakai lagi dan dilepaskan ke alam dalam bentuk padatan, cair ataupun gas yang berasal dari limbah rumah tangga maupun industri. Di Jakarta, setiap hari dihasilkan sekitar 6.500 ton sampah, baik berupa sampah organik (yang dapat diuraikan oleh alam, seperti sisa makanan, sayuran, dsb) maupun sampah anorganik (yang tidak dapat diuraikan oleh alam, seperti botol plastik, sterofoam, dll). Sampah-sampah tersebut tercampur satu sama lain dan dibuang diberbagai tempat, baik di TPS dan akhirnya di angkut truk sampah ke TPA, maupun dibuang ke sungai lalu mengalir ke laut dan menimbulkan pencemaran air. Lama-kelamaan sampah-sampah tersebut bertumpuk dan membentuk suatu bukit sampah.
Garbage in Jakarta waste problem is a common problem that never enough especially in the big city like Jakarta. trash is a materials from animal remains, people remains, and plants remains those are not using anymore and it realsed into nature in form of solid, liqiud, and gas those are from household and industrial waste. in Jakarta, everyday is produces about 6.500 ton bins, either organic bins (that can described by nature, like a food, vegetables remains, and the other) and anorganic bins (that can't described by nature, like a plastic bottles, sterofoam, and the other). the bins are mixed with each other and dumped in many places, either in TPS and finally it will be trucked to TPA, or discarde to the river and flow to the sea and it makes water pollution. gradually, the trashs will pile up overtime and it makes a garbage hills
waste problem is a common problem that never enough especially in the big city like Jakarta. trash is a materials from animal remains, people remains, and plants remains those are not using anymore and it realsed into nature in form of solid, liqiud, and gas those are from household and industrial waste. in Jakarta, everyday is produces about 6.500 ton bins, either organic bins (that can described by nature, like a food, vegetables remains, and the other) and anorganic bins (that can't described by nature, like a plastic bottles, sterofoam, and the other). the bins are mixed with each other and dumped in many places, either in TPS and finally it will be trucked to TPA, or discarde to the river and flow to the sea and it makes water pollution. gradually, the trashs will pile up overtime and it makes a garbage hills