PERANAN KUA DALAM MEWUJUDKAN KELUARGA SAKINAH Islam memerintahkan umatnya untuk membentuk ikatan keluarga. Ikatan yang terbentuk akan mendorong manusia memenuhi kebutuhan dan kewajibannya untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang diliputi ketentraman dan kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Keluarga sakinah menjadi model yang sangat diidamkan oleh setiap keluarga. Untuk menjadi keluarga sakinah tentu tidak mudah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak kendala untuk mewujudkannya. KUA sebagai lembaga yang berwenang, memiliki peranan penting dalam pembinaan keluarga sakinah.
Islam ordered its people to form family ties. The bond formed will encourage people to fulfill their needs and obligations to realize a family that is filled with peace and happiness in the world and the hereafter. Sakinah family is a model that is very desirable for every family. To be a sakinah family is certainly not easy. This is caused by many obstacles to make it happen. KUA as an authorized institution has an important role in fostering family trust
Islam ordered its people to form family ties. The bond formed will encourage people to fulfill their needs and obligations to realize a family that is filled with peace and happiness in the world and the hereafter. Sakinah family is a model that is very desirable for every family. To be a sakinah family is certainly not easy. This is caused by many obstacles to make it happen. KUA as an authorized institution has an important role in fostering family trust
maaf bila salah
semoga membantu :o