September 2018 2 63 Report
Suma odległości wierzchołka paraboli, która jest wykresem funkcji f(x)=5(x+4)kwadrat-2, od osi układu współrzędnych jest równa:

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Bardzo proszę o pomoc w rozwiązaniu zadań PILNE:)Ćw 1Popraw błędnie użyte czasowniki:1. He lay his hand on her shoulder.2.The Ministry of Education found a new scientific library last week.3. He has laid several times this week but each time we came to know the truth.4. Prices have raised enormously over the last ten years.5. I don't want to loose you.6. You may lose the rope around your waist- the danger is over.7. His coat was laying on the table.Ćw 2Uzupełnij zdania , wpisując w wolne miejsca tylko jeden wyraz:1. We_____ a lot of sightseeing last year.2. You're ________ late! I hate it.3. They ______ into a fortune after the Second World War.4. ______ he was reading a book review. I was talking on the telephone.5. Everybody is______ about bad weather this summer.6. You can find a lot of monuments dedicated to the_____ of unknown soliders.7. She can never make up her______ !8. I don't really think he's _______ a rest at the moment.9. ________ is still a lot of time! We don't have to hurry.10. The temperature is_____ up.Ćw 3Wpisz właściwą formę causative have:przykład: Her son_____(never, his ears, test)Her son has never had his ears tested.1.He ____(just, his moustache, trim)2. We didn't do the homework because she____ her piano, tune)3. We must____( the leaflet, print) right away.4. You can______ ( the income tax form, complete) by an accountant.5. Doris needn't _____ ( her dog's tail, cut off)6. When are you going____ ( the film, develop)7. He doesn't know Swedish so he will____( the letters, translate)8. The prosecutor______( the suspect's telephone, tap) last month.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc w rozwiązaniu zadań PILNE:)Ćw 1Popraw błędnie użyte czasowniki:1. He lay his hand on her shoulder.2.The Ministry of Education found a new scientific library last week.3. He has laid several times this week but each time we came to know the truth.4. Prices have raised enormously over the last ten years.5. I don't want to loose you.6. You may lose the rope around your waist- the danger is over.7. His coat was laying on the table.Ćw 2Uzupełnij zdania , wpisując w wolne miejsca tylko jeden wyraz:1. We_____ a lot of sightseeing last year.2. You're ________ late! I hate it.3. They ______ into a fortune after the Second World War.4. ______ he was reading a book review. I was talking on the telephone.5. Everybody is______ about bad weather this summer.6. You can find a lot of monuments dedicated to the_____ of unknown soliders.7. She can never make up her______ !8. I don't really think he's _______ a rest at the moment.9. ________ is still a lot of time! We don't have to hurry.10. The temperature is_____ up.Ćw 3Wpisz właściwą formę causative have:przykład: Her son_____(never, his ears, test)Her son has never had his ears tested.1.He ____(just, his moustache, trim)2. We didn't do the homework because she____ her piano, tune)3. We must____( the leaflet, print) right away.4. You can______ ( the income tax form, complete) by an accountant.5. Doris needn't _____ ( her dog's tail, cut off)6. When are you going____ ( the film, develop)7. He doesn't know Swedish so he will____( the letters, translate)8. The prosecutor______( the suspect's telephone, tap) last month.

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