Bardzo proszę o pomoc w rozwiązaniu zadań PILNE:)
Ćw 1
Popraw błędnie użyte czasowniki:
1. He lay his hand on her shoulder.
2.The Ministry of Education found a new scientific library last week.
3. He has laid several times this week but each time we came to know the truth.
4. Prices have raised enormously over the last ten years.
5. I don't want to loose you.
6. You may lose the rope around your waist- the danger is over.
7. His coat was laying on the table.
Ćw 2
Uzupełnij zdania , wpisując w wolne miejsca tylko jeden wyraz:
1. We_____ a lot of sightseeing last year.
2. You're ________ late! I hate it.
3. They ______ into a fortune after the Second World War.
4. ______ he was reading a book review. I was talking on the telephone.
5. Everybody is______ about bad weather this summer.
6. You can find a lot of monuments dedicated to the_____ of unknown soliders.
7. She can never make up her______ !
8. I don't really think he's _______ a rest at the moment.
9. ________ is still a lot of time! We don't have to hurry.
10. The temperature is_____ up.
Ćw 3
Wpisz właściwą formę causative have:
przykład: Her son_____(never, his ears, test)
Her son has never had his ears tested.
1.He ____(just, his moustache, trim)
2. We didn't do the homework because she____ her piano, tune)
3. We must____( the leaflet, print) right away.
4. You can______ ( the income tax form, complete) by an accountant.
5. Doris needn't _____ ( her dog's tail, cut off)
6. When are you going____ ( the film, develop)
7. He doesn't know Swedish so he will____( the letters, translate)
8. The prosecutor______( the suspect's telephone, tap) last month.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. He lay his handing on her shoulder.
2.The Ministry of Education founding a new scientific library last week.
3. He has laiding several times this week but each time we came to know the truth.
4. Prices having raised enormously over the last ten years.
5. I don't wanting to loose you.
6. You may losing the rope around your waist- the danger is over.
7. His coat was laying on the table.
1. We are a lot of sightseeing last year.
2. You're already late! I hate it.
3. They are into a fortune after the Second World War.
4. Is he was reading a book review. I was talking on the telephone.
5. Everybody is angry about bad weather this summer.
6. You can find a lot of monuments dedicated to the oldof unknown soliders.
7. She can never make up her confide !
8. I don't really think he's _______ a rest at the moment.
9. It is still a lot of time! We don't have to hurry.
10. The temperature is more up.