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Długość listu 120-150 słów
Dear Sir/ Madam I am writing in connection with the job offer from Sunday's issue of 'People'. I would like to apply for the position of waiter at Paradiso Pizza. I found the advertised post extremely interesting becouse I have a lot of experience in this job. I worked as a waiter in London cafe and last year I also worked at a Pizza Savona. I was chosen the best waiter of the year 2008 by the customers. They always liked me. I usually received high tips. I am good candidate for this job becouse I am very nice and friendly. I like working with people as well. I speak English very well. I passed FCE Cambridge examination. I can communicate in English in every situation without difficulty. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully XYZ
I am writing in connection with the job offer from Sunday's issue of 'People'. I would like to apply for the position of waiter at Paradiso Pizza.
I found the advertised post extremely interesting becouse I have a lot of experience in this job. I worked as a waiter in London cafe and last year I also worked at a Pizza Savona. I was chosen the best waiter of the year 2008 by the customers. They always liked me. I usually received high tips. I am good candidate for this job becouse I am very nice and friendly. I like working with people as well.
I speak English very well. I passed FCE Cambridge examination. I can communicate in English in every situation without difficulty.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully