August 2018 1 23 Report
1.Po lodzie jedzie na łyżwach jeden za drugim dwóch chłopców z taką samą prędkością o wartości 1,5 m/s. Pierwszy waży razem z plecakiem 48 kg, masa 2 chłopca wynosi 40 kg. Pierwszy chłopiec rzuca do drugiego plecaka ważący 2 kg, z prędkością o wartości 1 m/s. Drugi chłopiec złapał plecak. Oblicz zmianę wartości prędkości obu chłopców po tym zdarzeniu. Wynik podaj z dokładnością do dwóch miejsc po przecinku.
2.Ciało wyrzucono pionowo do góry z prędkością początkową 20 m/s. Udowodnij, że jeśli pominiesz opór ruchu, to na wysokości równej jednej czwartej największego wzniesienia wartość prędkości tego ciała powinna wynosić 17,32 m/s.
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Do przetłumaczenia The lowestoft advertiser The intelligent house 1)this is the intelligent house where technology controls nearly everything and makes everyday life much easier. From the outside to looks like an average detached house the furniture TV and fridge are the same as in any other home . But this house I full of surprises. 2) the intelligent house has many innovations. A computer controls the heating and the lighting. If you’re at work and the computer decides the house isn’t warm enough it switches on the heating. It can prepare coffee for you as you’re watching your favourite TV programme . cameras, whose jobs require a lot of travel keep an eye on the children upstairs when you are in the garden or even at the office. The house even knows what is in your fridge and can make a shopping list for you. 3) the computer works outside the house too. then you come home from the supermarket a camera above the door sees your heavy bags of shopping and opens the door for you. You can see anybody which are in every bedroom without leaving your armchair. The cameras are linked to the internet so you can even check what is going on outside your house when you’re at work or on holiday just check the house’s special web page. The computer can even automatically water the garden when it’s too dry. 4)a vision of the future? No companies are building houses like this at the moment. And who are these houses for? The companies believe these houses are ideal for busy people. That comes to your door. But there is one small problem a house like this costs over $700000.

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