Właśnie wróciłeś/wróciłaś do domu z wakacji i chcesz powiedzieć o tym wyjeździe na swoim blogu znajomym. Napisz na blogu: - gdzie byłeś/byłaś i z kim jakie miejsca zwiedzilasm co ci sie podobalo lub nie podobalo podczas wakacji popros aby znajoi podzielili sie wrazenianiami z wakacji. Blog zaczyna sie tak Hi everybody! I have been away for lmost two months. But now I back and i would like to .......
julia0058 Hi everybody ! I have been away for almost* two months. But now I' m back and i would like to see my friends because i didn't have contact with them for a long time. I was in Cracow it's a city in Poland. I saw the famous "Smok Wawelski" and i ate something called "obwarzanek". There were lots of pigeons and crowds of people, but it was really fun. I was in lots of diffrent places, too.I really liked my vacation! I met so much new people! How did you spend your holiday free_time? PROSZĘ O NAJ!!!
Hi everybody ! I have been away for almost* two months. But now I' m back and i would like to see my friends because i didn't have contact with them for a long time. I was in Cracow it's a city in Poland. I saw the famous "Smok Wawelski" and i ate something called "obwarzanek". There were lots of pigeons and crowds of people, but it was really fun. I was in lots of diffrent places, too.I really liked my vacation! I met so much new people! How did you spend your holiday free_time? PROSZĘ O NAJ!!!