"Breaking Dawn" is a film based on a book by Stephenie Meyer. This is the fourth part of the saga "Twilight.
Generically, the whole saga is inclined to romance with elements of horror (Bella and Edward's relationship in the foreground, a background terrifying world of vampires, werewolves and supernatural powers). The action begins a few days before the wedding of the two main characters. After the ceremony, they go to the island of Esme in Brazil, where they spend their honeymoon. They stop it, however, when Bella becomes pregnant.
Bella insists to keep the pregnancy, at great personal risk and rapid development of the child. After the birth, Bella becomes a vampire, and her daughter gets the name Renesmee. Idyllic vision is interrupted by a vision of Alice, where you can see the battle between the Volturi, Carlisle and Tanya clans. The Cullens family find their friends to have as many witnesses who will confirm that Renesmee is not an immortal child, but only half a vampire. The action ends happily - the battle does not take place, and the Cullens stay in Forks. The issue of the film is close to the viewer. The contacts between the vampires and their specific behaviors appear to be unrelated to human life, but in reality many of their decisions are typically human dilemmas.
"Breaking Dawn" is a film based on a book by Stephenie Meyer. This is the fourth part of the saga "Twilight.
Generically, the whole saga is inclined to romance with elements of horror (Bella and Edward's relationship in the foreground, a background terrifying world of vampires, werewolves and supernatural powers). The action begins a few days before the wedding of the two main characters. After the ceremony, they go to the island of Esme in Brazil, where they spend their honeymoon. They stop it, however, when Bella becomes pregnant.
Bella insists to keep the pregnancy, at great personal risk and rapid development of the child. After the birth, Bella becomes a vampire, and her daughter gets the name Renesmee. Idyllic vision is interrupted by a vision of Alice, where you can see the battle between the Volturi, Carlisle and Tanya clans. The Cullens family find their friends to have as many witnesses who will confirm that Renesmee is not an immortal child, but only half a vampire. The action ends happily - the battle does not take place, and the Cullens stay in Forks. The issue of the film is close to the viewer. The contacts between the vampires and their specific behaviors appear to be unrelated to human life, but in reality many of their decisions are typically human dilemmas.