Przebywasz obecnie w Londynie. Kupi³e/a niedawno nowy telewizor, który po dwóch miesiacach siê zepsuł. Napisz list do sklepu, w którym go zakupiłas. W licie:
-napisz, w jakiej sprawie piszesz i kiedy zakupiłas telewizor,
- opisz okolicznoci, w jakich siê zepsuł oraz napisz, co próbowałas zrobic.
- zażądaj zwrotu pieniêdzy lub wymiany telewizora na nowy,
-popros o jak najszybszą odpowiedz oraz podaj swój numer telefonu.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I write because I am so disappointed of my TV I bought in your shop in London. I have it just 2 months and it's absolutely broken. It just doesn't work.
I came home and wanted to watch some films in television. I clicked 'on'. Nothing happened. TV was still turned off. I thought that was only problem is happening one time, but it wasn't. I clicked again, and nothing. Again, again, again. It was definitely broken. I don't know why, can you explain to me?
I will send to you that TV, and I want to see my money back. I'll never buy anything in your shop, if I won't hear sincerely sorry. Please write back quickly, or call on my phone number which is below. Thanks.