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W te wakacje mialam mozliwosc zwiedzic New York. Byla to dla mnie fantastyczna okazja by zobaczyc na wlasne oczy te wszystkie miejsca o ktorych kiedys czytalam w gazetacz czy internecie. W Nowym Yorku spedzilam z kolezanka 2 tygodnie, przez ten czas zwiedzilysmy bardzo duzo ciekawych miejsc. Jednym z nich byl Central Park, ktory jest bardzo duzy i piekny. Bylam bardzo zaskoczona widzac ze Park w nocy zostaje zamykany i sprzatany. Mialysmy rowiez okazje zobaczyc Brooklyn Birdg i pojsc na zakupy w Fifth Avenue. Po dlugim zwiedzaniu gdy bylysmy glodne jadlysmy w Chinskich restauracjach w Chinatown.Takze noca Nowy York jest przepiekny, kazda ulica jest oswietlona. Jedyna rzeczy ktora mniej mi sie podobala jest ten ogromny ruch panujacy calymi dniami na ulicach. Ale i tak uwarzam ze wizyta w Nowym Yorku byla niesamowita, zorbilam setki zdjec ktore zawsze bedna mi przypominac te milo spedzone chwile.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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On holiday I had an ability to visit New York. It was great opportunity for me to see all this places I read about in newspapers and internet. In new york I've spent two weeks with my friend and during this time we visited many interesting places. One of them was Central Park, that is huge and beautiful. I was really suprised to see that Park is being closed i tidied. We also saw Brooklyn Bridge and we were shopping in Fifth Avenue. After long visiting, when we were hungry, we ate in Chinise restaurants in Chinatown. Also in the night New York is so beautiful, every street is lighted. The only thing that I liked less was crowd on streets all nights and days. I thing that this trip was really amazing, I took hunderts pictrues that will always remind me about this holidays
In this holidays I had a chance to visit New York. It was for me an fantasting opportunity to see this all places that I used to read about in newspapers or the Internet. I spent 2 weeks with my friend in NY and during this time we visited a lot of interesting places. One of then was Central Park, which is really big and beautiful. I was so surprised, because I saw that Central Park is being closed and cleaned up at night. We also had a chance to see Bloolyn Bridge and go shopping in Fifth Avenue. After long time of sightseeing, we were hungry, so we ate in Chinese restaurants in Chinatown. New York is also beutiful at night, every street is illuminated. One thing that I didn't like as much as other things is this huge movement which is in steets all day. But I still think that visit in New York was amazing, I took hundreds of photos, which will always remind me this happy time.