1. Turysta z zagranicy zwraca sie z prosba o wskazanie drogi do pewnego miejsca -powiedz ze niewiesz jak tam dotrzec -wskaszdroge do centrum informacyjnego -zapytaj czy rozumie twoje wskazówki
2.kilka dni temu brałes jednodniowej akcji czyste miasto . goscisz u siebie osobe z anglii ktora interesuje sie problemem srodowiska naturalnego. opowiedz o -przygotowaniach do akcji -przebiegu dnia - jednym zakakujacym wydarzeniu 3.w trakcie pobytu w anglii osoba u ktorej przybywasz propunuje ci wspolne wyjscie do teatru . ty wolisz pojsc na koncert jazzowy -odrzuc propozycje podajac uzasadnienie -nie zgodz sie z argumentacja rozmowcy i podaj swoja - zapropnuj kompromisowe rozwiazanie
1.1Unfortunetely, I don’t know how to get there, I have never been there.
1.2Go down the street and turn right in Kościuszkowska street there on the left is info center.
1.3Did you understand my tips.
2.1First of all we had to sign that our help is totally disinterested, that we are doing it because we want to. Each participant had to be over 15. Next we were divided into groups. Each group had 5 members.
2.2At the morning next day everybody got equipment such as latex gloves, plastic bags, rake, shovel. Then our teams went into different directions. My team was picking up rubbish in the forest and putting them into plastic bags. We spend whole day lookin for rubbish.
2.3We were cleaning the forest which is not far away from my school and in this area I am very often riding a bike. Once I had lost my watch and by the time we were searching for rubbish I had found my lost which was completely unexpected for me.
3.1Sorry, but I don’t want to. I would rather to go on the jazz concert.
3.2I don’t agree with you. Show in the theater will be shown again in next week but jazz concert will not be repeated soon.
3.3I think that now we can go on the concert and next week to the theater. How about that??
1.2Go down the street and turn right in Kościuszkowska street there on the left is info center.
1.3Did you understand my tips.
2.1First of all we had to sign that our help is totally disinterested, that we are doing it because we want to. Each participant had to be over 15.
Next we were divided into groups. Each group had 5 members.
2.2At the morning next day everybody got equipment such as latex gloves, plastic bags, rake, shovel. Then our teams went into different directions. My team was picking up rubbish in the forest and putting them into plastic bags. We spend whole day lookin for rubbish.
2.3We were cleaning the forest which is not far away from my school and in this area I am very often riding a bike. Once I had lost my watch and by the time we were searching for rubbish I had found my lost which was completely unexpected for me.
3.1Sorry, but I don’t want to. I would rather to go on the jazz concert.
3.2I don’t agree with you. Show in the theater will be shown again in next week but jazz concert will not be repeated soon.
3.3I think that now we can go on the concert and next week to the theater. How about that??