1. w czasie pobytu w londynie chcesz zwiedzic tower of london.rozmawiasz z pracownikiem centrum informacji turystycznej . zapytaj -godziny otwarcia muzeyum -znizki dla studentow -mozliwoscrobienia zdjec
2.rozmawiasz ze znajomym z anglii o wycieczce w gory na ktora wybrałas sie w czasie weekendu . opowiedz jej -przygotowaniach do wycieczki -przebiegu wycieczki -problemach z powroten do domu
3wraz z kolega z danii chcesz wynajac mieszkanie w londynie . on proponuje wynajecie mieszkania poza centrum miasta. ty wolisz mieszkac w centrum -odrzuc propozycje kolegi podajac argument -zaproponuj mieszkanie w centrum i przedstaw argument swoj -zaproponuj rozwiazanie kompromisowe
1)Excuse, could you help me? I'm planning to visit the Tower of London. What are the opening hours? Are there any discounts for students? Is taking pictures allowed?
2) At the last weekend I went on a mountain trip. As you know, weather in mountains tend to change rapidly, that's why I took warm clothes, a blanket and something to eat in case I had to find a shelter and spend there a night. Of course I took also some chocolate as it is very helpful when you start feeling bad because of the low air pressure. At the beginning everything seemed great, but about 10 minut after I had reached the top of the mountain, dark clouds appeared and it started raining. I was afraid that the thunderstorm could come, too. Because of my fear I got lost somewhere in the forest and couldn't find the way back. Besides, it was slowly getting dark. Luckily, I suddenly remembered I had a GPS device in my cell phone, so it helped me find the way back. I will never again go alone to the mountains!
3) Unfortunately I can't agree with you about renting the flat in the suburbs. I'm aware that the rent is lower there, but you have to be conscious that if we moved there, you'd have to pay more money for bus and underground tickets and it would take a long time to get to the city centre! Besides, living in the centre is very comfortable, for example when you're coming back late from a theatre or a party. Remember that the underground doesn't work at night and it would take more than an hour to get home after midnight! However, if you think that the rent in the centre is too high, we can find a flat a little bit farther, for example in the 2nd Zone. The underground tickets are still quite low there and there's a lot of bus lines available, so travelling to the city centre would be really cheap and convenient. What do you think?
2) At the last weekend I went on a mountain trip. As you know, weather in mountains tend to change rapidly, that's why I took warm clothes, a blanket and something to eat in case I had to find a shelter and spend there a night. Of course I took also some chocolate as it is very helpful when you start feeling bad because of the low air pressure. At the beginning everything seemed great, but about 10 minut after I had reached the top of the mountain, dark clouds appeared and it started raining. I was afraid that the thunderstorm could come, too. Because of my fear I got lost somewhere in the forest and couldn't find the way back. Besides, it was slowly getting dark. Luckily, I suddenly remembered I had a GPS device in my cell phone, so it helped me find the way back. I will never again go alone to the mountains!
3) Unfortunately I can't agree with you about renting the flat in the suburbs. I'm aware that the rent is lower there, but you have to be conscious that if we moved there, you'd have to pay more money for bus and underground tickets and it would take a long time to get to the city centre! Besides, living in the centre is very comfortable, for example when you're coming back late from a theatre or a party. Remember that the underground doesn't work at night and it would take more than an hour to get home after midnight! However, if you think that the rent in the centre is too high, we can find a flat a little bit farther, for example in the 2nd Zone. The underground tickets are still quite low there and there's a lot of bus lines available, so travelling to the city centre would be really cheap and convenient. What do you think?