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The Butterfly Effect is the excellent production directed by Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber.
Directors, who are also script writers, created a fantastic script.
The film tells about four friends. One of them - Evan (in this role Ashton Kutcher) - had very amazing life except one thing - as a child he suffered from amnesia. But everything changed when he discovered that he can change the past.
When he was young, the doctor told him that he should write the diary about what he did everyday. Unfortunately it didn't help.
Evan was older when he tried read about that moments what he didn’t remember. Then something wrong happened. Surprised, he found out that he could change everything.
He could come back to every moment that he had recounted in the diary.
He tried many times but always something came out wrong. He quickly discovered that every change for the better had also negative consequences.
He wanted only one thing – be with his lover. And at some point he got it - he was her husband and they were extremely happy. But suddenly he killed her brother. He knew that he have to try again and fix it.
His life had completely changed.
I think that this film is one of the best I have ever seen. At the end my mind was empty and I thought only about how one decision can make the difference for all.
And I urge everyone to watch it because it is really worth!
Limit słów: 200-250.
Poziom zaawansowany.
Temat: Napisz recenzję filmu o którym mógłbyś powiedzieć, że zmienił Twoje poglądy na życie.
(Czy został on w pełni wykorzystany? Bo nie jestem stuprocentowo pewna...)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Jeśli opowiadasz o filmie staraj się używać jednego czasu nie: the film tells, a zaraz potem masz (...) had very amazing... Zamień lepiej tells, na told :) Wydaje mi się też że nie ma czegoś takiego jak "very amazing" Evan was older when he tried... Trochę to dziwnie brzmi i nielogicznie. Chodziło Ci żeby napisać Był starszy jak próbował coś tam coś tam? Spróbuj jakoś przeinaczyć to zdanie ;)