Lubla to mała wieś w południowo-wschodniej części Polski. Leży w województwie podkarpackim, powiecie strzyżowskim i gminie Frysztak. Jest to piękna i malownicza miejscowość. Znajduje się tutaj bardzo stary zabytkowy kościół z XV wieku i szkoła do której uczęszczam. W Lubli jest również stadion na którym często odbywają się mecze. Najpiękniej jest w Lubli latem kiedy można się wybrać na spacer po lesie czy po porośniętych kwiatami łąkach. W Lubli mieszkają mili i życzliwi ludzie. Proboszcz parafi jest człowiekiem bardzo pracowitym. Uczy w szkole religii a poza tym jest gospodarzem. Hoduje kozy, konie i pszczoły. Lubla to wieś o bogatej historii. Warto jest do niej przyjechać i poznać ją bliżej.
Ljubljana is a small village in south-eastern part of Polish. Is in the Podkarpackie province, district and commune strzyżowskim Frysztak. It is a beautiful and picturesque place. Is here a very old historic church in the fifteenth century and to whom attend school. In Lubli is also a stadium where the games are often held. Lubli the most beautiful in the summer when you can take a walk in the woods or the meadows covered with flowers. In Lubli live nice and friendly people. Pastor of a parish is a very busy man. She teaches religion at school and outside it is hosted. Bred goats, horses and bees. Ljubljana is a village with a rich history. It is worth it to come and meet her closer.
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Ljubljana is a small village in south-eastern part of Polish. Is in the Podkarpackie province, district and commune strzyżowskim Frysztak. It is a beautiful and picturesque place. Is here a very old historic church in the fifteenth century and to whom attend school. In Lubli is also a stadium where the games are often held. Lubli the most beautiful in the summer when you can take a walk in the woods or the meadows covered with flowers. In Lubli live nice and friendly people. Pastor of a parish is a very busy man. She teaches religion at school and outside it is hosted. Bred goats, horses and bees. Ljubljana is a village with a rich history. It is worth it to come and meet her closer.
Is here a very old historic church in the fifteenth century and to whom attend school. In Lubli is also a stadium where the games are often held. Lubli the most beautiful in the summer when you can take a walk in the woods or the meadows covered with flowers. In Lubli live nice and friendly people. Pastor of a parish is a very busy man. She teaches religion at school and outside it is hosted. Bred goats, horses and bees.
Ljubljana is a village with a rich history. It is worth it to come and meet her closer.
Is here a very old historic church in the fifteenth century and to whom attend school. In Lubli is also a stadium where the games are often held. Lubli the most beautiful in the summer when you can take a walk in the woods or the meadows covered with flowers. In Lubli live nice and friendly people. Pastor of a parish is a very busy man. She teaches religion at school and outside it is hosted. Bred goats, horses and bees.
Ljubljana is a village with a rich history. It is worth it to come and meet her closer.
Proszę bardzo ;))