September 2018 1 27 Report
PROSZĘ O PRZETŁUMACZENIE NA J.POLSKI (ALE NIE W TRANSLATORZE) 1.A gang of fourteen robbers broke into a bank in Naples and entered the basement. They were hoping to steal millions of dollars from the 8,000 safety deposit boxes there. But the men had an unpleasant surprise. 2. One night a Cardiff man was stealing equipment from the office where he worked. He didn't want the cameras to see him so he walked around in the dark. But he kept on walking into furniture and swearing. He took what he could and quietly left the building. Detectives arrested the surprised man the next morning. 3. A Detroit burglar arrived home after a 'successful' night. He was shocked when a few seconds later he opened the front door and saw his very happy dog ... and the police. 4. Neighbours in the city of Baku could hear music coming from an empty flat and decided to call the police. When the police arrived, the thief didn't even try to escape. A. The man had left his dog outside the house he had burgled. When the police arrived, they shouted 'Home boy!' and the dog happily led the police officers straight to the burglar's house. B. The guard with a key to the boxes had gone for a coffee and they could't find him. They hadn't prepared an alternative plan so they left with almost nothing. C. After he had broken into the flat, the thief decided to make himself at home. First, he had a bath, and then he had something to eat and drink. After he had finished his dinner, he saw a piano in the corner and started playing it. He was still singing songs when the police arrived. D. Had somebody seen him before he left the building? No, he had simply dropped an office dictaphone and it had switched itself on. Police later listened to the tape and recognised the man by hi 'colourful' language.
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PROSZĘ O PRZETŁUMACZENIE TEKSTU NA J.POLSKIA)Posted by Amy at 01:24 on Feb 12thHi guys! I need your advice. i'm a 19-year-old student in my first year at university.I love my new life, but I still live at home with my parents. I get on really well with them. They're really generous and they love me. The problem is that they treat me like a 12-year-old - I have to be home before 10p.m., they check to see if I'm studying and it's difficult for me to invite my new friends home. In fact, I've got a boyfriend now, but I haven't told them yet because I don't know how they'II react. Perhaps I should move out. What do you think?B)Personally, I really sympathise with what you are saying. I've had similar problems with my parents. I've tried to talk to them about it but they just won't listen!C)I totally agree with your parents, Barbara. If you ask me, you are selfish! You probably have a more comfortable life than your friends who live away from home - and more money too!D)Carl, I see what you mean: there is a plus side to living at home that we often forget. The problem is simple. Amy's parents still think she's a little school kid, and they don't understand that her live has completely changed. But Amy, have you tried talking to them? Tell them about student life and how different it is from school. Then, perhaps they'II understand that you're an adult now.E)Very true, Dennis! Talk to your parents, Amy. When I was 19, I didn't talk to my parents and we had a terrible argument, and they threw me out, and I haven't seen them since then. I feel so bad about it now.F) I totally disagree with you Dennis. Amy, your parents just don't want you to grow up. The only solution is to leave home. Get a part-time job and rent a flat with your new friends!na podstawie tekstu proszę o zrobienie i przetłumaczenie zadaniaRead the text. Match opinions 1-6 with people A-F1. It's a good idea to tell your parents about your new life.2. I love my parents but they don't give me enough freedom.3. Why don't you live away from home and become independent?4. I'm very sorry now that I didn't discuss things with my parents.5. I understand you. My parents don't listen to me either.6. People who complain about living at home don't know how lucky they are.
PROSZĘ O PRZETŁUMACZENIE TEKSTU NA J.POLSKIA)Posted by Amy at 01:24 on Feb 12thHi guys! I need your advice. i'm a 19-year-old student in my first year at university.I love my new life, but I still live at home with my parents. I get on really well with them. They're really generous and they love me. The problem is that they treat me like a 12-year-old - I have to be home before 10p.m., they check to see if I'm studying and it's difficult for me to invite my new friends home. In fact, I've got a boyfriend now, but I haven't told them yet because I don't know how they'II react. Perhaps I should move out. What do you think?B)Personally, I really sympathise with what you are saying. I've had similar problems with my parents. I've tried to talk to them about it but they just won't listen!C)I totally agree with your parents, Barbara. If you ask me, you are selfish! You probably have a more comfortable life than your friends who live away from home - and more money too!D)Carl, I see what you mean: there is a plus side to living at home that we often forget. The problem is simple. Amy's parents still think she's a little school kid, and they don't understand that her live has completely changed. But Amy, have you tried talking to them? Tell them about student life and how different it is from school. Then, perhaps they'II understand that you're an adult now.E)Very true, Dennis! Talk to your parents, Amy. When I was 19, I didn't talk to my parents and we had a terrible argument, and they threw me out, and I haven't seen them since then. I feel so bad about it now.F) I totally disagree with you Dennis. Amy, your parents just don't want you to grow up. The only solution is to leave home. Get a part-time job and rent a flat with your new friends!na podstawie tekstu proszę o zrobienie i przetłumaczenie zadaniaRead the text. Match opinions 1-6 with people A-F1. It's a good idea to tell your parents about your new life.2. I love my parents but they don't give me enough freedom.3. Why don't you live away from home and become independent?4. I'm very sorry now that I didn't discuss things with my parents.5. I understand you. My parents don't listen to me either.6. People who complain about living at home don't know how lucky they are.

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