Proszę o przetłumaczenie danego tekstu:
Jacob Black jest Indianinem z plemienia Quileute, mieszkającym z ojcem, na terenie rezerwatu w okolicach plaży La Push. Ma dwie starsze siostry, Rachel i Rebeccę. Jego ojciec, Billy Black, należy do starszyzny plemienia Quileute.
W drugiej części sagi (Księżyc w Nowiu), Jacob przechodzi przemianę w wilkołaka. Pod postacią wilka jego sierść jest rdzawobrązowa.
ZmierzchJacob ma małą rolę w pierwszej książce. Bella wyciąga od niego informacje na temat Edwarda i Cullenów. Jacob opowiada jej legendy Quileute, z których wynika, że Edward i jego rodzina mogą być wampirami
Księżyc w Nowiu
Po miesiącach depresji wywołanej odejściem Edwarda, Bella szuka wsparcia u Jacoba, który pomaga jej wyjść z otępienia. Z czasem ich przyjaźń się pogłębia i Jacob zaczyna żywić do Belli romantyczne uczucia, których ona nie odwzajemnia. Niedługo potem Jacob ulega pierwszej transformacji w wilka i dla bezpieczeństwa Belli, usiłuje zdystansować ją do siebie przez unikanie jej i nie odbieranie telefonów. Gdy Bellę zaatakował Laurent, Jacob i jego sfora uratowali ją, zabijając wspólnika. Kiedy Jacob dowiaduje się, że Bella zamierza zostać wamirem, czuje gniew i odrazę w stosunku do Edwarda.
jake jest bohaterem dynamicznym Jego poczynania miały bardzo duży wpływ na przebieg wydarzeń opisanych w książce. Bez niego książka była by pusta i bez sensu, ponieważ to właśnie on nadaje jej tak niesamowity charakter.
Przodkami dzisiejszych Indian byli koczowniczy myśliwi, którzy – według najszerzej uznawanej (choć obecnie już nie jedynej) teorii – podczas ostatniej epoki lodowcowej (ok. 20 000 – 35 000 lat temu) przeszli (w kilku falach migracyjnych) z Azji do Ameryki przez pomost lądowy istniejący wówczas w rejonie dzisiejszej cieśniny Beringa.
Kolonizacja, konkwista, niewolnictwo, wojny, powstania, przymusowa chrystianizacja, europejskie choroby oraz osadnictwo doprowadziły do śmierci milionów Indian (w wielu regionach – np. na wschodzie USA, Karaibach czy Ziemi Ognistej – niemal wszystkich), do rozpadu tradycyjnych systemów gospodarowania i organizacji społecznej, przymusowych migracji całych plemion oraz częściowego (a w przypadku setek mniejszych plemion – całkowitego) upadku ich kultur, języków i religii.
In the second part of the saga (New Moon), Jacob goes transformation into a werewolf. In the form of a wolf's fur is rusty.
ZmierzchJacob has a small role in the first book. Bella pulls information from him about Edward and Cullens. Jacob tells her Quileute legends, which show that Edward and his family may be vampires
New Moon
After months of depression caused by the departure of Edward, Bella is looking for support from Jacob, who helps her get out of dementia. With time, their friendship deepens and Jacob begins to feel romantic feelings for Bella, which it does not return. Soon after, Jacob is the first transformation into a wolf and for Bella's safety, it tries to distance himself by avoiding her and not answering phones. When attacked by Laurent Bella, Jacob and his pack of rescued her killing partner. When Jacob learns that Bella will be wamirem, anger and disgust he feels for Edward.
Jake is the dynamic character of his actions had a very strong influence on the course of events described in the book. Without it, the book was to empty and meaningless, because it was he who gives it such an amazing character.
The ancestors of today's Indians were nomadic hunters who - according to widely recognized (though now no longer the only) theory - during the last ice age (about 20 000 - 35 000 years ago) went (in several waves of migration) from Asia to America by a land bridge then existing in the region of today's Bering Strait.
Colonization, Konkwista, slavery, war, insurrection, forced Christianization, European colonization and disease led to the death of millions of Indians (in many regions - such as the eastern U.S., Caribbean and Tierra del Fuego - almost all), the breakdown of traditional management systems and social organization , forced migration of entire tribes and a partial (and, where hundreds of smaller tribes - the total) collapse of their cultures, languages and religions.
In the second part of the saga (New Moon), Jacob goes transformation into a werewolf. In the form of a wolf's fur is rusty.
ZmierzchJacob has a small role in the first book. Bella pulls information from him about Edward and Cullens. Jacob tells her Quileute legends, which show that Edward and his family may be vampires.
New Moon
After months of depression caused by the departure of Edward, Bella is looking for support from Jacob, who helps her get out of dementia. With time, their friendship deepens and Jacob begins to feel romantic feelings for Bella, which it does not return. Soon after, Jacob is the first transformation into a wolf and for Bella's safety, it tries to distance himself by avoiding her and not answering phones. When attacked by Laurent Bella, Jacob and his pack of rescued her killing partner. When Jacob learns that Bella will be wamirem, anger and disgust he feels for Edward.
Jake is the dynamic character of his actions had a very strong influence on the course of events described in the book. Without it, the book was to empty and meaningless, because it was he who gives it such an amazing character.
The ancestors of today's Indians were nomadic hunters who - according to widely recognized (though now no longer the only) theory - during the last ice age (about 20 000 - 35 000 years ago) went (in several waves of migration) from Asia to America by a land bridge then existing in the region of today's Bering Strait.
Colonization, Konkwista, slavery, war, insurrection, forced Christianization, European colonization and disease led to the death of millions of Indians (in many regions - such as the eastern U.S., Caribbean and Tierra del Fuego - almost all), the breakdown of traditional management systems and social organization , forced migration of entire tribes and a partial (and, where hundreds of smaller tribes - the total) collapse of their cultures, languages and religions.
In the second part of the saga (New Moon), Jacob goes transformation into a werewolf. In the form of a wolf's fur is rusty.
ZmierzchJacob has a small role in the first book. Bella pulls information from him about Edward and Cullens. Jacob tells her Quileute legends, which show that Edward and his family may be vampires
New Moon
After months of depression caused by the departure of Edward, Bella is looking for support from Jacob, who helps her get out of dementia. With time, their friendship deepens and Jacob begins to feel romantic feelings for Bella, which it does not return. Soon after, Jacob is the first transformation into a wolf and for Bella's safety, it tries to distance himself by avoiding her and not answering phones. When attacked by Laurent Bella, Jacob and his pack of rescued her killing partner. When Jacob learns that Bella will be wamirem, anger and disgust he feels for Edward.
Jake is the dynamic character of his actions had a very strong influence on the course of events described in the book. Without it, the book was to empty and meaningless, because it was he who gives it such an amazing character.
The ancestors of today's Indians were nomadic hunters who - according to widely recognized (though now no longer the only) theory - during the last ice age (about 20 000 - 35 000 years ago) went (in several waves of migration) from Asia to America by a land bridge then existing in the region of today's Bering Strait.
Colonization, Konkwista, slavery, war, insurrection, forced Christianization, European colonization and disease led to the death of millions of Indians (in many regions - such as the eastern U.S., Caribbean and Tierra del Fuego - almost all), the breakdown of traditional management systems and social organization , forced migration of entire tribes and a partial (and, where hundreds of smaller tribes - the total) collapse of their cultures, languages and religions.