Proszę o przetłumaczenie: 1. Przedłużona żałoba do niedzieli. 2. Para prezydencka zostanie pochowana na Wawelu. 3. 21 kwietnia zostanie ogłoszony termin wyborów prezydenckich. 4. W sobotę na Placu Piłsudskiego odbędzie się msza żałobna. 5. 30 delegacji ogłosiło oficjalny udział w uroczystościach pogrzebowych. Z GÓRY DZIĘKUJĘ.!! :DDD
1 Prolonged mourning Sunday. 2 The presidential couple will be buried at Wawel. 3 Will be announced April 21 deadline for presidential elections. 4 On Saturday at Pilsudski Square Funeral Mass will be held. 5 Announced the 21 delegations participating in an official funeral.
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1. Prolonged mourning for Sunday 2. The presidential couple will be buried at Wawel. 3. Will be announced April 21 deadline for presidential elections. 4. On Saturday at Pilsudski Square Funeral Mass will be held. 5. Announced the 21 delegations participating in an official funeral.
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1.Extension national mourning. 2.The Presidental Couple will be stay buried at The Wawel. 3.Will be announced April 21 deadline for presidential election. 4.On Saturday at Piłsudzki Square Funeral Mass will be held. 5.Announced the 30 delegations participated in the official funeral.
2 The presidential couple will be buried at Wawel.
3 Will be announced April 21 deadline for presidential elections.
4 On Saturday at Pilsudski Square Funeral Mass will be held.
5 Announced the 21 delegations participating in an official funeral.
2. The presidential couple will be buried at Wawel.
3. Will be announced April 21 deadline for presidential elections.
4. On Saturday at Pilsudski Square Funeral Mass will be held.
5. Announced the 21 delegations participating in an official funeral.
2.The Presidental Couple will be stay buried at The Wawel.
3.Will be announced April 21 deadline for presidential election.
4.On Saturday at Piłsudzki Square Funeral Mass will be held.
5.Announced the 30 delegations participated in the official funeral.