Powtarzane od wieków rytuały dają nam poczucie bezpieczeństwa i są przekazywane następnym pokoleniom. Opisz święto ilustrujące tę tezę.
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While the game sports are unlikely thing evokes the rituals, it is difficult for this group of activities not included. Millions of people sit in front of his "home altar" at regular intervals and regular scheduled time to celebrate the activities carried out by 23 people. By way of analogy - in a more vivid way to celebrate this ritual of the designated facility, where in addition, depending on the situation on the pitch are fixed mounted cheers. It is obvious that meets the needs of sport in society. Its advantages such as wide availability, fill free time, look for the collective excitement of the game, repeated competition between cities and nations play an important role in developing societies, but also triggers the emotions and brings people together.
The situation is not only from the audience. Very well seen from the ritualism of sport athletes: when the avatar goes to the team must prepare for the numerous sacrifices. Increased training, change of diet, exercise and sometimes are suffering major rite of cleansing. Career has to do it with some kind of gradual initiations, caused by broadcasting age categories. While clusters of "insiders" are subject to partial or complete isolation and rely on their own group. It all has an almost mystical, and you can compare it with certain ceremonies, such as tribal.