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"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was void and chaos. "But God did not want all was darkness and created the wonderful world of plants and animals. And the last day, God created man. He was a man named Adam. But God saw that Adam was lonely brows. So he sent a deep sleep on the man so that he fell asleep and took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh is a place on the rib which he took from a man, a woman stood and brought it to the man "So rose the first people, our biblical ancestors-Adam and Eve. They lived in a paradise from which they could reap any benefits.
But God warned them that they must not eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because then you will surely die. Adam and Eve led a carefree life in paradise. But one day the serpent tempted Eve took the fruit, took a bite of his piece, and then gave some to Adam. And he also ate it. Then their eyes opened and they recognized that they were naked. So combined fig leaves and made themselves aprons. And when the Lord God walking in the garden, Adam and Eve hid themselves from him. When God called unto Adam he said that he is naked.
Then God asked him if he ate from the tree from which forbade him to eat. Adam replied to him, the woman gave to him to be with him, gave him the fruit of the tree that ate it. God was very angry and asked the women why she did and she replied, with a serpent beguiled her and so she ate. God banished Adam and Eve from paradise, sent them pain and suffering, have become mere mortals.People prohibit us many things that we do so we can say that forbidden fruit is sweetest