Potrzebuje uzupelnic nastepujacy tekst. To co w nawiasie lub pierwsza litera to podpowiedz do tego co trzeba wstawic.
Agreement made this t...........................of ............................ [3.12.2010] between ...........[ Rupert S.A.] .................................................... [ zwanym dalej] as "seller".....
i drugi fragment
Seller is h...... selling and RPX is h ......... p............ the following a.........
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
© Copyright 2013 - 2024 KUDO.TIPS - All rights reserved.
Agreement made this 3rd day of December, 2010 between the Rupert Inc, hereinafter referred to as the "seller"
and the other fragment
Seller is hereby selling and RPX is hereby purchasing the following assets.