Do przetlumaczenia na jezyk angielski:
1. Gdyby ta wyspa była w tej chwili kurortem turystycznym, po wybuchu wulkanu turysci mieliby zniszczony urlop.
2. Gdyby nie wynaleziono penicyliny, wiele osob wciaz umieraloby na choroby, ktore obecnie można bez trudu wyleczyc.
3. Będąc najslawniejsza gwiazdą filmową wśród nastolatów, Rober postanowil prowadzic bloga.
4. Kiedy byłam mlodsza gralam codziennie w tenisa (nie mozna uzyc used to)
5. Jej dziecko nie powinno bylo ogladac tego filmu, teraz ma koszmary nocne.
6. Kiedy jest ci nudno spróbuj sluchac muzyke.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. If this island was a health resort at this moment, after eruption of volcano, tourists would have had their holiday ruined.
2. If penicillin hasn't been discovered, many people would still die of illnesses that now they can be cured of.
3. Being the most popular movie star among teenagers, Robert decided to run a blog.
4. When I was younger, I would play tennis every day.
5. Her child shouldn't have watched this movie, now he has nightmares.
6. When you're bored, try listening to music.