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London for some of you is just the capital o England, for others maybe it is the plance were Harry Potter was shot. For rest it may be the place where people at 5 o' clock are drinking tea. But for me London is a place ful of mistery and magic, even some kind of fairy taile whitch I was able to take part in, and I'm proud of it :)
My adventure with this cite started on last holidays. With my family we decuted to fly there for few days.
When we landed, we go to our hotel to chuck in. The service was really kind, I loved them from the first sight. After diner we went to see this beautiful city. We've seen Big Ben, whitch is astonishing, London Eye and Tower Bridge. For first day it was enough so we came back to hotel.
Next day we went to the park. There was a statue of Peter pan, the boy who didn't want to grow up. It've made so big impression in me that you cannot even imagine. It was, and still is, one of my avourites places in London. Another place that I loved so much is Church Collage, were Alice in Wonderland was written. It is partly the story based on facts.
That's it I wont write nothing more about this magic place, because one should just see it on live an I"m sure that he won't regret it. He will just have his one unforgetable adventure.