Napisz prognozę pogody PO ANGIELSKU dla Polski (dla północy i południa). 12 zdań. PILNE :) UWAGA! Jeżeli ktoś zamierza korzystac z tłumaczenia translatora (jak było to poprzednio) dziękuję, nie skorzystam.
The north of Poland (25.10.09): Very strong southern winds. Heavy rain in the afternoon. Temperature from 2 Celsius' degrees to 6 Celsius' degrees. Low atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure will fall during the day.
The south of Poland (25.10.09): Mild southern winds. Sporadic rain. Temperature from 3 Celsius' degrees to 6 Celsius' degrees. Low atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure will keep steady during the day.
Very strong southern winds.
Heavy rain in the afternoon.
Temperature from 2 Celsius' degrees to 6 Celsius' degrees.
Low atmospheric pressure.
The atmospheric pressure will fall during the day.
The south of Poland (25.10.09):
Mild southern winds.
Sporadic rain.
Temperature from 3 Celsius' degrees to 6 Celsius' degrees.
Low atmospheric pressure.
The atmospheric pressure will keep steady during the day.
(identyczne zadanie juz gdzies tu jest!)