Proszę o napisanie listu.
Chcesz kupic dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Znajdujesz w gazecie ogloszenie prezentujace nieruchomosc, ktora Cie interesuje. Napisz list do agencji, ktora je zamiescila.
1) Okresl, jaki rodzaj domu/mieszkania chcesz kupic, i powolaj sie na ogloszenie.
2) zapytaj o odleglosc od srodkow komunikacji miejskiej i sklepow.
3) zapytaj o co najmniej dwa interesujace cie elementy wyposazenia domu.
4) zapytaj o mozliwosci uprawiania sportow i dostep do rozrywek kulturalnych w okolicy
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Good morning!
I am writing to you because I would like to get more information about the apartment which I have seen on your webpage last time. Could you tell me more about three-roomed flat which is located in London on the Independence street? Is it in block of flats or in high rise block? Are there any shops in the area? If yes, how many and what is their type? Are they big supermarkets or small local shops? Where are the nearest bus stops or subway stations and how far are them from the flat? Is the apartment furnished? Is there a washing machine, a fridge or a TV? If yes, does the price include them? And what’s about doing sports? Is there any football pitch near the flat? How far is it to the nearest swimming pool? I hope that you are able to answer my few questions.
Yours faithfully,