This yearI was atmy auntin Hollandand I had tosayin Dutchholendru(Uncle,hesaid thatif you do notsaywe will not goto Antwerp.) He askedme(of coursein Dutch,translatedto meaunt) Where isAntwerp? AndI was likein Germany, andthe capital of Germanyis Belgium: D (But it wasfun: D:d)
Andin Germany areAntwerp(Belgium), wherewe hadto gowelland I wanted tosay something more, because I knowI saidnoandthat Belgiumis the capital, andneiberlin: D
This yearI was atmy auntin Hollandand I had tosayin Dutchholendru(Uncle,hesaid thatif you do notsaywe will not goto Antwerp.)
He askedme(of coursein Dutch,translatedto meaunt)
Where isAntwerp?
AndI was likein Germany, andthe capital of Germanyis Belgium: D (But it wasfun: D:d)
Andin Germany areAntwerp(Belgium), wherewe hadto gowelland I wanted tosay something more, because I knowI saidnoandthat Belgiumis the capital, andneiberlin: D