Jesteś na obozie sportowym na ktorym propaguja zdrowe odżywianie. Piszesz do swoich rodziców o:
- zdrowej diecie jaką serwują w stołówce
- ćwiczeniach jakie wykonujesz w trakcie zajęć
- co się najbardziej podoba na obozie
- zaproponuj rodzicom bardziej zbalansowana dietę i zdrowszy tryb życia
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Mom & Dad,
Thanks for your letter! I'm having so much fun here! They really make us eat heathily all the time. We get five meals and each of them is way smaller than the ones we get at home. We eat a lot of vegetables, some proteins but almost no potatoes or noodles. Also, we exercise a lot, mostly doing sit-ups, push-ups, running and playing different games. What I love about this camp is that we get to spend so much time with the group and the games make us really close.
I think you should try it too! How about changing your diet and doin some moren exercises? It's really worth it!