Jesteś przewodnikiem górskim. Zapisz na tablicy ogłoszeń w schronisku górskim OGŁOSZENIE- ostrzeżenie dla obcokrajowców przed wyprawą w wysokie góry: - Odradź wyprawy w wysokie góry - Poinformuj o zmieniających się na gorsze warunkach pogodowych - Zachęć do spacerów po dolinach - Napisz, jakie atrakcje proponuje schronisko
Caution! Hiking in upper parts of mountains might be dangerous or cause death. The weather may change quickly and dramatically. Hikers are strongly advised to: - be prepared for blizzard, heavy rain, fog, strong wind and low temperature, - inform the staff at mountain lodge about the itinerary, - carry enough food supplies, - have a detailed map, compass or GPS. However, inexperienced hikers are advised to choose valleys instead. Mountain lodges offer both cold and warm meals, drinks, sleeping and relaxing facilities and professional guidance.
Hiking in upper parts of mountains might be dangerous or cause death. The weather may change quickly and dramatically. Hikers are strongly advised to:
- be prepared for blizzard, heavy rain, fog, strong wind and low temperature,
- inform the staff at mountain lodge about the itinerary,
- carry enough food supplies,
- have a detailed map, compass or GPS.
However, inexperienced hikers are advised to choose valleys instead. Mountain lodges offer both cold and warm meals, drinks, sleeping and relaxing facilities and professional guidance.