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Z: When I was in London, I met american actor, singer and guitarist - Jared Leto. I went to a concert of 30 second to Mars. I met Jared, when He want to car after the concert. I ran into him. I said him: I'm so sorry... He laughed at me. He gave me an autograph and I take a photo with him. I was under the impression that He is very nice man.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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- an american actor
- 3 zdania kompletnie nie rozumiem, co ma tu byc napisane w jezyku polskim ?
- I took a photo
I was under the impression, and I realised that he is very nice and polite man.( i zdalem sobie sprawe, uswiadomiles sboie, ze jest bardzo milym i uprzejmym facetem)
Pozdrawiam ; ))
When I went to London.I met and American actor,singer and guitarist-Jared Leto.I went to his concert for a few minutes. I met him on my way out when he was getting into his car and I accidently crushed into him. I said:I'm sorry..but then he laughed at me and I was really confused.He gave me an autograph and I've asked him If I could take a photo of him and he said 'Yes'.I was very happy that I met him allthougt I didin't expect him to be such a nice man.
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