czy może ktoś mi sprawdzic błędy? Błagam ino nie za pomocą googli..
Ania i Marcin czekaja obok budki telefonicznej, w środku chłopiec wybiera numer.
- znasz tego chłopca?
- tak, to brat mojego przyjaciela. On ciągle dzwini do swojej dziewczyny z tej budki.
- skąd on pochodzi?
- pochodzi z Japonii. Jest bardzo mądry, mówi w 4 językach.
Ania and Marcin are waiting next to a telephone booth, in the middle is a boy and choose the number phone.
- do you know this guy?
- yes, it is brother my friend's. he still calls his girlfriend from the booth.
- where did he come from?
- he comes from Japan. he is very smart, saying in the four languages.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Ania and Marcin are waiting next to a telephone booth, in the telephone booth a boy is choosing the number.
- do you know this boy?
- yes, this is my friend's brother. he still calls his girlfriend from the booth.
- where is he come from?
- he comes from Japan. he is very smart, speaks in the four languages.