Check out the list of things to do for Anne Marie and Gilbert for your vacation in Toronto
Observa la lista de cosas de hacer de Anne Marie y Gilbert para sus vacaciones en Toronto
Now finish Anne Marie’s postcard to her friend. Write what she and Gilbert have already done and what they haven´t done yet. Use the present perfect.
Ahora termine la postal de Anne Marie a su amiga. Escribe lo que ella y Gilbert ya han hecho y lo que no han hecho todavía. Utilice el presente perfecto.
Gilbert and I are having a good time in Toronto. We've done so many things! We've already taken a tour of the university, we've met Michel for dinner on Spadina Avenue, we haven't visited the Bata shoe museum yet, but we've seen a musical downtown, we still have to take a boat trip around Toronto Harbor, and we've gone shopping at the Eaton Centre.
Gilbert and I are having a good time in Toronto.
We've done so many things! We've already taken a tour of the university, we've met Michel for dinner on Spadina Avenue, we haven't visited the Bata shoe museum yet, but we've seen a musical downtown, we still have to take a boat trip around Toronto Harbor, and we've gone shopping at the Eaton Centre.
See you when we get back.
Anne Marie