snow is a white thing that Made from a fenomenal that called rain. Rain is a fenomenal that drops many water but a snow added from a rain that the cloud is colding. Thats why the snow come out from a cold water or iced water.
Kalimat deskripsi adalah kalimat yang mendeskripsikan ciri suatu benda
snow is a white thing that Made from a fenomenal that called rain. Rain is a fenomenal that drops many water but a snow added from a rain that the cloud is colding. Thats why the snow come out from a cold water or iced water.
Kalimat deskripsi adalah kalimat yang mendeskripsikan ciri suatu benda
kalimat deskripsi tentang snow adalah kalimat tentang salju atau pengkristalan
i play in the snow during the day and then i play with snowballs and also make a snowman which is very fun