October 2018 1 58 Report

5.Pole równoległoboku jest rowne 36 cm² a jego obwodu 34 cm .Odległość jednej z par boków równoleglych jest rowna 4 cm . OBLICZ odleglosc drugiej pary bokow

3. Rozwiąz nierównośc

-5x²-13x+6 ≤0

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7. Complete the text with the correct words. He __________ £40 a week from a part-time _________ and he gets £75 ______ month pocket money from mum . The problem is that he enjoys shopping _________shopping centres too much . He ________ all his money on music , clothes and cosmetics. I know he has a bank ________ but he never _________ any money in it . In fact , I don't think he knows where the bank is !8 . Read about free time and choose the correct answers .In my free time , I go free running . I do it ________ the weekend . I like football too _________ I don't play it now . I haven't got much time because we get _______ of homework at school. I also like____________ photography . I like taking photographs when I'm on holiday ________ of them are quite good-they're on my website if you want to see them.It's not a very good website because I ________learned much about making websites but I enjoy trying. My favourite photo is of my brother at a concert . In the photo , he _________ the air guitar and he looks really funny. _________ the background , you can see the band . They ________ at him . I think they like him ! My brother is very happy now because he __________ his own band . They aren't very good but they make a lot of noise ! 1 . a ) on b)at c)in d)of 2. a)but b)and c) or d)because 3. a)little b)a few c)a lot d)some 4 a)playing b) going c) doing d)shooting 5 a) Much b)Any c) A little d)Some 6 a)haven't b) don't c)am not d)hasn't 7 a) is playing b)plays c)has played d)playing 8 a)On b) At c) In d) Out 9 a) looks b) look c) are looking d) have looked 10 a)have b) starts c) start d) has started 9. Complete the description with the words from the box. definitely , maybe , probably , sort , in ________ this photograph we can see a group of friends who are preparing some ________of a meal in the kitchen. They are _______ having a good time -you can see they're happy and they look like a good team . _________ they have invited someone to join them for dinner ?

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