November 2018 1 154 Report

1. Rozwiąż równanie:

a) y2 − 2y + 1 = 1/4

b) y2 − 0,2y + 0,03 = 0,02

c) 5x2 − 4 = 2(x2 − 2)

d) 15x(x−3) = 4x(3−x)

e) (x+4)2 + (x−1)2 = 17

2.Określ liczbę pierwiastków równania:

a) x2 − πx + 2 = 0

b) x2 − 3x + 2 = 0

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1. choose the correct phrases to complete the sentences 1. I'm sure you 're doing / 'll do well in the play, don't worry. 2. Sorry, I can't come round this morning - I'm playing / I'll have played tennis intil 12.00. 3. This is terrible! When are you learning / going to learn how to cook properly ? 4. We'd better run - the shop is closing/closes at 5.30. 5. I'll be finished/have finished this book by the end of the week. Can I borrow another one? 6. Just think - in three years' time, we're studying/we'll be studying languages at universuty! 7. I'll have sat/I'm going to sit down for a moment. I feel a bit sick. 8. By this time tomorrow we're travelling/we'll have been travelling for six hours! 9. That's a good idea. I'm phoning/I'll phone you when I get home. 10. Am I going to meet / Shall I meet you at the station ? 2. Match sentences 1-9, whioch refer to the future, with functions A-I. 1. I think the weather will be perfect for our holiday next month. 2. Hurry up or you'll be late! 3. I'm definitely going to finish my essay tonight. 4. I'm having a coffe with Ben later. He called a few minutes ago. 5. I'm phone you every day while I'm away. 6. Shall I make you a sanwich ? You look hungry. 7. I'll be going to tennis club this evening. 8. Will you wait for me after school? 9. It's too late. We're going to miss the train. A an arrangement B a prediction about the immediate future C a warning D an offer E a routine activity F a promise G a general prediction H an intention I a request
A new idea in mobiles Suzy Costello 1 Have you ever wanted to make a phone call but you couldn’t? Perhaps because there is no signal. Or because you’ve left your mobile at home. Or because your battery has gone dead. It’s frustrating, right? So far no one has found a solution to the problem of not receiving a signal when you’re in the middle of the country, but now, at last, someone has come up with a mobile phone that is always with you and never runs out of energy. BIpho Phones have just brought out their latest invention. The Permaphone© is a telephone implant: that is a telephone which goes under your skin. The receiver sits behind your ear, the microphone is in the tip of your nose and the exible touch screen is under a layer of completely transparent arti€ cial skin on the inside of your wrist. All you need is a quick visit to a hospital for a simple operation and then you are your mobile; a walking talking telephone. And the good news is that this phone doesn’t needbatteries. It gets its power from your body. Every time you move, you produce kinetic energy. The Permaphone© captures this energy and so never goes dead. Or at least, not until you do. Mobile phone companies have been working for many years on phone implants. The idea has been around ever since the 1940s when science-€ ction writer Robert Heinlein € rst mentioned it in his book The Puppet Masters. But there has always been a problem: the risks from receiving radiation inside your head. BIpho say they have solved this problem because their phone implant uses a very low level of radiation which is not dangerous to human health. The company has been working on their new phone for years and in my humble opinion they have produced something rather special. The operation took only € ve minutes and was completely painless and since I left the hospital I’ve been experimenting with my new phone implant. I must say it’s quite impressive. After a day or two it feels perfectly natural: just like a part of your body. The phone has all the usual applications: GPS, mp5, camera, etc., and it’s very user-friendly too: it’s so simple to switch the phone on and off, to turn the volume up or down and to access all the functions. So are phone implants the future of mobile phone technology? Well, maybe. Certainly, it’s great to have a phone that you can’t forget and which never needs batteries. However, there are some drawbacks too. For example, when you have a cold it may not be very convenient to have the microphone in your nose. And although BIpho say it is completely waterproof, I wonder how con€ dent you would feel when you go swimming with your Permaphone©. And € nally, one more question that they haven’t answered yet: do you need to go back to hospital for another operation every time you want to update your phone?1. what three problems with making phone calls does the writer mention?2. in which parts of the body does the Permaphone go?3 where does it get its power from?4 who first wrote about the idea of a phone implant?5 how does it feel to have a Permaphone?6 in which two situation might you have problems which a Permaphone?

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