1 Napisz wiadomosc: Musisz wyjsc.Zostaw swojej wspollookatorce z Walii wiadomosc,w ktorej :
-poinformujesz ze wasz kolega sie spozni,
-poprosisz o odebranie prania z pralki,
-wyjasnisz,gdzie zaraz wychodzisz,
-Poinformujesz wspoltokatorke gdzie jest jedzenie
2 napisz pocztowke; Sprzedzasz wakacje w Polsce.Napisz do przyjaciolki pcztowke,w ktorej poiformujsz :
-z kim sprzedzasz wakacje ,opiszesz aktualna pogode,napisz co robisz kazdego dnia,zapytasz adresata czy milo spedza czas.
3 Uzulelnij zwroty uzywane podczas wypowiedzi pisemnych podanymi slowami:
a).............youre Ok
b)Sorry,I didnt write................,but I was busy.
c)It was good to hear..........you
d)..............you were here
e)to.................us call 2223459987.
f)come........ my birthday party.
g) I am writing to...........for the position of a waiter.
h) I look.................to hearing from you.
i)It would be......... to see you.
j) I dont know how to...........you
4 Uzupelnij zadania
a)GUess what Ive....... my driving test.
b)Ive got some great....
c)Im so..
d)Congratulations!Im really....... for you.
e) Would you......me to help you?
f) Hello,can I .......... to Francis??
g)Would you like to leave a ..................?
h)Do you ............. coming to my birthday party?
i)youre in a bed mood.........happened?
j) I think I need a bigger...........
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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(w nagłówku wpisz sobie jakieś imię tej współlokatorki)
I have to go to a meeting with my parents.
(wymyśl sobie imię kolegi, np. Mark) will be late.
Please, remove the laundry from washing machine.
food is in the fridge.
Love (imię adresata)
2. Hi Caroline!
How are you? I am spending my holiday in Poland. I'm here with my parents and sisters. The weather is wonderfull! Sun shine every day and is very hot! We are visiting the local cities and their monuments.
Love you, Ola
4. a) passed
1. Hi. I have togoto town. TodayMaxhad cometous, buthe will comelater. I will bein the hospital withmy grandmother.Can youtakethe laundry from thewashing machine?Lunchison the kitchen table. See you later.
2. Hello. Imon holidayin Poland. I'm herewith my boyfriend. The weather isbeautiful,the sun shinesevery day. Every daywe walkto the beachand spenda nice timethere!
Areyouhaving fun? See youwhen I get back!3.
c. hear
d. wish
e. apply
g. join
h. foward
i. lovely
j. thank
a. passed
b. news
c. sorry
d. happy
e. like
f. speak
g. message
h. fancy
i. what
j. size